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24.4. Shape and Color

Class Name Description
SFXGraphics Class for drawing a diagram or a text.
SFXLine Class which represents a line.
SFXRectangle Class which represents a rectangle.
SFXTriangle Class which represents a triangle.
SFXCircle Class which represents a circle.
SFXPie Class which represents a pie.
SFXArc Class which represents an arc.
SFXEllipse Class which represents an ellipse.
SFXPolygon Class which represents a polygon.
SFXPolyline Class which represents a polyline.
SFXGrid Class which represents the grid coordinate.
SFXPixel Class which represents the pixel coordinate.
SFXSize Class which represents a size(height and width).
SFXMargin Class which represents the top, bottom, left and right margins of rectangle.
SFXClip Class which represents the clipping region.
SFXRGBColor Class which represents a RGBA color.
SFXFrameColor Class which represents the frame color(F) and the shadow colow(S) for the 3-D looking rectangle(frame).
SFXBevelColor Class which represents the light color(L), the base color(B), and the dark color(D) for the 3-D looking rectangle(bevel).