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Class which represents a line.
#include <SFXLine.h.hpp>
class SFXLine;

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXLineClass


SFXLine( Void )
Constructor of the SFXLine class.
SFXLine( SFXLineConstRef param )
Constructor of the SFXLine class.
SFXLine( SFXPixelConstRef start , SFXPixelConstRef end )
Constructor of the SFXLine class.
SFXLine( SFXPixelConstRef start , SInt16 ex , SInt16 ey )
Constructor of the SFXLine class.
SFXLine( SInt16 sx , SInt16 sy , SFXPixelConstRef end )
Constructor of the SFXLine class.
SFXLine( SInt16 sx , SInt16 sy , SInt16 ex , SInt16 ey )
Constructor of the SFXLine class.
Public Functions
SFXLineRef AddEnd( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef AddEnd( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef AddEndX( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the X coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef AddEndY( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef AddStart( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef AddStart( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef AddStartX( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the X coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef AddStartY( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef DivEnd( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Divide the coordinates of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivEnd( SInt16 param )
Divide the coordinates of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivEndX( SInt16 param )
Divide the X coordinate of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivEndY( SInt16 param )
Divide the Y coordinate of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivStart( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Divide the coordinates of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivStart( SInt16 param )
Divide the coordinates of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivStartX( SInt16 param )
Divide the X coordinate of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef DivStartY( SInt16 param )
Divide the Y coordinate of start point by the specified value.
Bool Equals( SFXLineConstRef param )
Check whether this line equals the specified line or not.
Bool Equals( SFXPixelConstRef start , SFXPixelConstRef end )
Check whether this line equals the specified line or not.
Bool Equals( SFXPixelConstRef start , SInt16 ex , SInt16 ey )
Check whether this line equals the specified line or not.
Bool Equals( SInt16 sx , SInt16 sy , SFXPixelConstRef end )
Check whether this line equals the specified line or not.
Bool Equals( SInt16 sx , SInt16 sy , SInt16 ex , SInt16 ey )
Check whether this line equals the specified line or not.
SFXPixelConstRef GetEnd( Void )
Get the coordinates of end point.
SInt16 GetEndX( Void )
Get the X coordinate of end point.
SInt16 GetEndY( Void )
Get the Y coordinate of end point.
SFXPixelConstRef GetStart( Void )
Get the coordinates of start point.
SInt16 GetStartX( Void )
Get the X coordinate of start point.
SInt16 GetStartY( Void )
Get the Y coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef ModEnd( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of end point to the remainder of the division of the coordinate by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModEnd( SInt16 param )
Set the coordinates of end point to the remainder of the division of the coordinate by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModEndX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of end point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModEndY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of end point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModStart( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModStart( SInt16 param )
Set the coordinates of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModStartX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
SFXLineRef ModStartY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulEnd( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Multiply the coordinates of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulEnd( SInt16 param )
Multiply the coordinates of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulEndX( SInt16 param )
Multiply the X coordinate of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulEndY( SInt16 param )
Multiply the Y coordinate of end point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulStart( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Multiply the coordinates of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulStart( SInt16 param )
Multiply the coordinates of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulStartX( SInt16 param )
Multiply the X coordinate of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef MulStartY( SInt16 param )
Multiply the Y coordinate of start point by the specified value.
SFXLineRef NegEnd( Void )
Negate the sign of the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef NegEndX( Void )
Negate the sign of the X coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef NegEndY( Void )
Negate the sign of the Y coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef NegStart( Void )
Negate the sign of the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef NegStartX( Void )
Negate the sign of the X coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef NegStartY( Void )
Negate the sign of the Y coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef Offset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
SFXLineRef Offset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
SFXLineRef Set( SFXLineConstRef param )
Set the line.
SFXLineRef Set( SFXPixelConstRef start , SFXPixelConstRef end )
Set the line.
SFXLineRef Set( SFXPixelConstRef start , SInt16 ex , SInt16 ey )
Set the line.
SFXLineRef Set( SInt16 sx , SInt16 sy , SFXPixelConstRef end )
Set the line.
SFXLineRef Set( SInt16 sx , SInt16 sy , SInt16 ex , SInt16 ey )
Set the line.
SFXLineRef SetEnd( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef SetEnd( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef SetEndX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef SetEndY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef SetStart( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef SetStart( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef SetStartX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef SetStartY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef SubEnd( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef SubEnd( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of end point.
SFXLineRef SubEndX( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef SubEndY( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of end point.
SFXLineRef SubStart( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef SubStart( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start point.
SFXLineRef SubStartX( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef SubStartY( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of start point.
SFXLineRef Unoffset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
SFXLineRef Unoffset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
ZeroInstance( Void )
Get the instance that represents 0.
SFXLineRef operator+=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add a specifed value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move the line.
SFXLineRef operator-=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
SFXLineRef operator=( SFXLineConstRef param )
Assign a line.
SFXLine::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXLine * param )
Convert SFXLine into SFXLine::AtomRec.
SFXLine::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXLine const * param )
Convert SFXLine into SFXLine::AtomRec.
AEELine * interface_cast( SFXLine * param )
Convert SFXLine into AEELine.
AEELine const * interface_cast( SFXLine const * param )
Convert SFXLine into AEELine.
Bool operator==( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXLineConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXLine operator-( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
Bool operator!=( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXLineConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXLine operator+( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add a specifed value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
Structure that represent a line.
Global Functions
SFXLine::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXLine * param )
Convert SFXLine into SFXLine::AtomRec.
SFXLine::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXLine const * param )
Convert SFXLine into SFXLine::AtomRec.
AEELine * interface_cast( SFXLine * param )
Convert SFXLine into AEELine.
AEELine const * interface_cast( SFXLine const * param )
Convert SFXLine into AEELine.
Bool operator==( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXLineConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXLine operator-( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
Bool operator!=( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXLineConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXLine operator+( SFXLineConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add a specifed value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.

Constructor of the SFXLine class.
[ public, explicit ]
[ public ]
    SFXLineConstRef param   // the source SFXLine object
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXPixelConstRef start   // coordinates of start point
    SFXPixelConstRef end     // coordinates of end point
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXPixelConstRef start   // coordinates of start point
    SInt16 ex                // X coordinate of end point
    SInt16 ey                // Y coordinate of end point
[ public, explicit ]
    SInt16 sx              // X coordinate of start point
    SInt16 sy              // Y coordinate of start point
    SFXPixelConstRef end   // coordinates of end point
[ public, explicit ]
    SInt16 sx   // X coordinate of start point
    SInt16 sy   // Y coordinate of start point
    SInt16 ex   // X coordinate of end point
    SInt16 ey   // Y coordinate of end point


SFXLine::Set | SFXLine::operator=

Add the specified value to the coordinates of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddEnd(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates of end point
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddEnd(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to the X coordinate of end point
    SInt16 y   // value to add to the Y coordinate of end point


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::NegEnd

Add the specified value to the X coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddEndX(
    SInt16 param   // value to add to the X coordinate of end point


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegEndX

Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddEndY(
    SInt16 param   // value to add to the Y coordinate of end point


SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegEndY

Add the specified value to the coordinates of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddStart(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates of start point
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddStart(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to the X coordinate of start point
    SInt16 y   // value to add to the Y coordinate of start point


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::NegStart

Add the specified value to the X coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddStartX(
    SInt16 param   // value to add to the X coordinate of start point


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::NegStartX

Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef AddStartY(
    SInt16 param   // value to add to the Y coordinate of start point


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::NegStartY

Divide the coordinates of end point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivEnd(
    SInt16 x   // divide the X coordinate of end point by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide the Y coordinate of end point by this value
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivEnd(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates of end point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::NegEnd

Divide the X coordinate of end point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivEndX(
    SInt16 param   // divide the X coordinate of end point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegEndX

Divide the Y coordinate of end point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivEndY(
    SInt16 param   // divide the Y coordinate of end point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegEndY

Divide the coordinates of start point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivStart(
    SInt16 x   // divide the X coordinate of start point by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide the Y coordinate of start point by this value
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivEnd(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates of start point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::NegStart

Divide the X coordinate of start point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivStartX(
    SInt16 param   // divide the X coordinate of start point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::NegStartX

Divide the Y coordinate of start point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef DivStartY(
    SInt16 param   // divide the Y coordinate of start point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::NegStartY

Check whether this line equals the specified line or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXLineConstRef param   // line to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXPixelConstRef start   // start point of the line to compare
    SFXPixelConstRef end     // end point of the line to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXPixelConstRef start   // start point of the line to compare
    SInt16 ex                // X coordinate of end point of the line to compare
    SInt16 ey                // Y coordinate of end point of the line to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SInt16 sx              // X coordinate of start point of the line to compare
    SInt16 sy              // Y coordinate of start point of the line to compare
    SFXPixelConstRef end   // start point of the line to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SInt16 sx   // X coordinate of start point of the line to compare
    SInt16 sy   // Y coordinate of start point of the line to compare
    SInt16 ex   // X coordinate of end point of the line to compare
    SInt16 ey   // Y coordinate of end point of the line to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


operator== | operator!=

Get the coordinates of end point.
[ public, const ]
SFXPixelConstRef GetEnd(Void);


SFXLine::GetStart | SFXLine::GetEndX | SFXLine::GetEndY | SFXLine::SetEnd

Get the X coordinate of end point.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetEndX(Void);


SFXLine::GetStartX | SFXLine::GetEnd | SFXLine::GetEndY | SFXLine::SetEndX

Get the Y coordinate of end point.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetEndY(Void);


SFXLine::GetStartY | SFXLine::GetEnd | SFXLine::GetEndX | SFXLine::SetEndY

Get the coordinates of start point.
[ public, const ]
SFXPixelConstRef GetStart(Void);


SFXLine::GetStartX | SFXLine::GetStartY | SFXLine::GetEnd | SFXLine::SetStart

Get the X coordinate of start point.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetStartX(Void);


SFXLine::GetStart | SFXLine::GetStartY | SFXLine::GetEndX | SFXLine::SetStartX

Get the Y coordinate of start point.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetStartY(Void);


SFXLine::GetStart | SFXLine::GetStartX | SFXLine::GetEndY | SFXLine::SetStartY

Set the coordinates of end point to the remainder of the division of the coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModEnd(
    SInt16 x   // divide the X coordinate of end point by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide the Y coordinate of end point by this value
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModEnd(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates of end point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegEnd

Set the X coordinate of end point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModEndX(
    SInt16 param   // divide the X coordinate of end point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegEndX

Set the Y coordinate of end point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModEndY(
    SInt16 param   // divide the Y coordinate of end point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegEndY

Set the coordinates of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModStart(
    SInt16 x   // divide the X coordinate of start point by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide the Y coordinate of start point by this value
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModEnd(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates of start point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::NegStart

Set the X coordinate of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModStartX(
    SInt16 param   // divide the X coordinate of start point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegStartX

Set the Y coordinate of start point to the remainder of the division of this coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef ModStartY(
    SInt16 param   // divide the Y coordinate of start point by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegStartY

Multiply the coordinates of end point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulEnd(
    SInt16 x   // multiply the X coordinate of end point by this value
    SInt16 y   // multiply the Y coordinate of end point by this value
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulEnd(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the coordinates of end point by this value


SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::NegEnd

Multiply the X coordinate of end point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulEndX(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the X coordinate of end point by this value


SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegEndX

Multiply the Y coordinate of end point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulEndY(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the Y coordinate of end point by this value


SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegEndY

Multiply the coordinates of start point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulStart(
    SInt16 x   // multiply the X coordinate of start point by this value
    SInt16 y   // multiply the Y coordinate of start point by this value
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulStart(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the coordinates of start point by this value


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::NegStart

Multiply the X coordinate of start point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulStartX(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the X coordinate of start point by this value


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::NegStartX

Multiply the Y coordinate of start point by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef MulStartY(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the Y coordinate of start point by this value


SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::NegStartY

Negate the sign of the coordinates of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef NegEnd(Void);


SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::NegStart | SFXLine::NegEndX | SFXLine::NegEndY

Negate the sign of the X coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef NegEndX(Void);


SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegStartX | SFXLine::NegEnd | SFXLine::NegEndY

Negate the sign of the Y coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef NegEndY(Void);


SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegStartY | SFXLine::NegEnd | SFXLine::NegEndX

Negate the sign of the coordinates of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef NegStart(Void);


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::NegStartX | SFXLine::NegStartY | SFXLine::NegEnd

Negate the sign of the X coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef NegStartX(Void);


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::NegStart | SFXLine::NegStartY | SFXLine::NegEndX

Negate the sign of the Y coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef NegStartY(Void);


SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::NegStart | SFXLine::NegStartX | SFXLine::NegEndY

Add the specified value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Offset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Offset(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to the X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to add to the Y coordinate


SFXLine::Unoffset | operator- | operator+

Set the line.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Set(
    SFXLineConstRef param   // source line to copy
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Set(
    SFXPixelConstRef start   // coordinates of start point to set
    SFXPixelConstRef end     // coordinates of end point to set
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Set(
    SFXPixelConstRef start   // coordinates of start point to set
    SInt16 ex                // X coordinate of end point to set
    SInt16 ey                // Y coordinate of end point to set
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Set(
    SInt16 sx              // X coordinate of start point to set
    SInt16 sy              // Y coordinate of start point to set
    SFXPixelConstRef end   // coordinates of end point to set
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Set(
    SInt16 sx   // X coordinate of start point to set
    SInt16 sy   // Y coordinate of start point to set
    SInt16 ex   // X coordinate of end point to set
    SInt16 ey   // Y coordinate of end point to set



Set the coordinates of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetEnd(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // coordinates of end point to set
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetEnd(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of end point to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of end point to set


SFXLine::GetEnd | SFXLine::SetStart | SFXLine::SetEndX | SFXLine::SetEndY

Set the X coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetEndX(
    SInt16 param   // X coordinate of end point to set


SFXLine::GetEndX | SFXLine::SetStartX | SFXLine::SetEnd | SFXLine::SetEndY

Set the Y coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetEndY(
    SInt16 param   // Y coordinate of end point to set


SFXLine::GetEndY | SFXLine::SetStartY | SFXLine::SetEnd | SFXLine::SetEndX

Set the coordinates of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetStart(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // coordinates of start point to set
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetStart(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of start point to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of start point to set


SFXLine::GetStart | SFXLine::SetStartX | SFXLine::SetStartY | SFXLine::SetEnd

Set the X coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetStartX(
    SInt16 param   // X coordinate of start point to set


SFXLine::GetStartX | SFXLine::SetStart | SFXLine::SetStartY | SFXLine::SetEndX

Set the Y coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SetStartY(
    SInt16 param   // Y coordinate of start point to set


SFXLine::GetStartY | SFXLine::SetStart | SFXLine::SetStartX | SFXLine::SetEndY

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubEnd(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of end point
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubEnd(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from the X coordinate of end point
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of end point


SFXLine::AddEnd | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulEnd | SFXLine::DivEnd | SFXLine::ModEnd | SFXLine::NegEnd

Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubEndX(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract


SFXLine::AddEndX | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulEndX | SFXLine::DivEndX | SFXLine::ModEndX | SFXLine::NegEndX

Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of end point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubEndY(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract


SFXLine::AddEndY | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulEndY | SFXLine::DivEndY | SFXLine::ModEndY | SFXLine::NegEndY

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubStart(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of start point
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubStart(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from the X coordinate of start point
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of start point


SFXLine::AddStart | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::SubEnd | SFXLine::MulStart | SFXLine::DivStart | SFXLine::ModStart | SFXLine::NegStart

Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubStartX(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract from the X coordinate of start point


SFXLine::AddStartX | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::SubStartY | SFXLine::SubEndX | SFXLine::MulStartX | SFXLine::DivStartX | SFXLine::ModStartX | SFXLine::NegStartX

Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of start point.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef SubStartY(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of start point


SFXLine::AddStartY | SFXLine::SubStart | SFXLine::SubStartX | SFXLine::SubEndY | SFXLine::MulStartY | SFXLine::DivStartY | SFXLine::ModStartY | SFXLine::NegStartY

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Unoffset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of the start and end points
[ public ]
SFXLineRef Unoffset(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from the X coordinate of the start and end points
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of the start and end points


SFXLine::Offset | operator- | operator+

Get the instance that represents 0.
[ public, static ]
SFXLineConstRef ZeroInstance(Void);


This function returns the 0 instance, which means that 0 or null is set to all the member variables of its corresponding AtomRec struct.


SFXLine line(10, 20, 30, 40);

line =SFXLine::ZeroInstance();   // intialize line
TRACE(""sx = %d, sy = %d, ex = %d, ey = %d", line1.GetStartX(), line1.GetStartY(), line1.GetEndX(), line1.GetEndY())  // sx = 0, sy = 0, ex = 0, ey = 0



Convert SFXLine into SFXLine::AtomRec.
[ public, friend ]
SFXLine::AtomRec * atomic_cast(
    SFXLine * param   // line to cast
[ public, friend ]
SFXLine::AtomRec const * atomic_cast(
    SFXLine const * param   // line to cast



Convert SFXLine into AEELine.
[ public, friend ]
AEELine * interface_cast(
    SFXLine * param   // cast line
[ public, friend ]
AEELine const * interface_cast(
    SFXLine const * param   // cast line

Assign a line.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef operator=(
    SFXLineConstRef param   // source line to assign



Check the "==" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    SFXLineConstRef left    // line to compare
    SFXLineConstRef right   // line to compare

Return value

  • Equal: true
  • Not equal: false


SFXLine::Equals | operator!=

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef operator-=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of the start and end points


SFXLine::Unoffset | operator- | SFXLine::operator+=

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
[ public, friend ]
SFXLine operator-(
    SFXLineConstRef left    // line to move
    SFXGridConstRef right   // value to subtract from the coordinates of the start and end points


SFXLine::Unoffset | SFXLine::operator-= | operator+

Check the "!=" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    SFXLineConstRef left    // line to compare
    SFXLineConstRef right   // line to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXLine::Equals | operator==

Add a specifed value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move the line.
[ public ]
SFXLineRef operator+=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add


SFXLine::Offset | SFXLine::operator-= | operator+

Add a specifed value to the coordinates of start and end points, and move this line.
[ public, friend ]
SFXLine operator+(
    SFXLineConstRef left    // line to move
    SFXGridConstRef right   // value to add


SFXLine::Offset | operator- | SFXLine::operator+=

Structure that represent a line.
struct AtomRec {
  SFXPixel::AtomRec  start;  // coordinates of start point
  SFXPixel::AtomRec  end;    // coordinates of end point