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Class which represents a pixel coordinate.
#include <SFXPixel.h.hpp>
class SFXPixel;


SFXPixel is the class that handles the pixel coordinates.

In SophiaFramework, there are 2 coordinate systems: grid coordinate system and pixel coordinate system. The pixel coordinates form a dot on the screen.

The difference between the 2 coordinate systems is as follows:

Comparing to the "Go" game or the Japanese Chess game, the drawing plain is like the playing board, the grid is like the place to put the "Go" stone, the pixel is like the place to put the horse of the Japanese Chess game.




SFXPixel( Void )
Constructor of the SFXPixel class.
SFXPixel( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Constructor of the SFXPixel class.
SFXPixel( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Constructor of the SFXPixel class.
Public Functions
SFXPixelRef Add( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates.
SFXPixelRef Add( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates.
SFXPixelRef AddX( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the X coordinate.
SFXPixelRef AddY( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the Y coordinate.
SFXPixelRef Div( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef Div( SInt16 param )
Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef DivX( SInt16 param )
Divide the X coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef DivY( SInt16 param )
Divide the Y coordinate by the specified value.
Bool Equals( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Check whether this pixel equals the specified pixel or not.
Bool Equals( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Check whether this pixel equals the specified pixel or not.
SInt16 GetBottom( Void )
Get the Y coordinate of the bottom edge.
SInt16 GetLeft( Void )
Get the X coordinate of the left edge.
SFXGrid GetLeftBottom( Void )
Get the coordinates of left-bottom point.
SFXGrid GetLeftTop( Void )
Get the coordinates of left-top point.
SInt16 GetRight( Void )
Get the X coordinate of the right edge.
SFXGrid GetRightBottom( Void )
Get the coordinates of right-bottom point.
SFXGrid GetRightTop( Void )
Get the coordinates of right-top point.
SInt16 GetTop( Void )
Get the Y coordinate of top edge.
SInt16 GetX( Void )
Get the X coordinate.
SInt16 GetY( Void )
Get the Y coordinate.
Bool IsInsideOf( SFXRectangleConstRef param )
Check whether this pixel is inside of the specified rectangular area or not.
SFXPixelRef Mod( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef Mod( SInt16 param )
Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef ModX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate to the remainder of the division of X coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef ModY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate to the remainder of the division of Y coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef Mul( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef Mul( SInt16 param )
Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef MulX( SInt16 param )
Multiply the X coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef MulY( SInt16 param )
Multiply the Y coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef Neg( Void )
Negate the sign of the coordinates.
SFXPixelRef NegX( Void )
Negate the sign of the X coordinate.
SFXPixelRef NegY( Void )
Negate the sign of the Y coordinate.
SFXPixelRef Offset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef Offset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef Set( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Set the pixel.
SFXPixelRef Set( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the pixel.
SFXPixelRef SetBottom( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of the bottom edge.
SFXPixelRef SetLeft( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of the left edge.
SFXPixelRef SetLeftBottom( SFXGridConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of left-bottom point.
SFXPixelRef SetLeftBottom( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of left-bottom point.
SFXPixelRef SetLeftTop( SFXGridConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of left-top point.
SFXPixelRef SetLeftTop( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of left-top point.
SFXPixelRef SetRight( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of the right edge.
SFXPixelRef SetRightBottom( SFXGridConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of right-bottom point.
SFXPixelRef SetRightBottom( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of right-bottom point.
SFXPixelRef SetRightTop( SFXGridConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of right-top point.
SFXPixelRef SetRightTop( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of right-top point.
SFXPixelRef SetTop( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of the top edge.
SFXPixelRef SetX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate.
SFXPixelRef SetY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate.
SFXPixelRef Sub( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates.
SFXPixelRef Sub( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates.
SFXPixelRef SubX( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate.
SFXPixelRef SubY( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate.
SFXPixelRef Unoffset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the coordinate and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef Unoffset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the coordinate and move this pixel.
ZeroInstance( Void )
Get the instance that represents 0.
SFXPixelRef operator%=( SInt16 param )
Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef operator*=( SInt16 param )
Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef operator+=( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef operator+=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef operator-=( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef operator-=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixelRef operator/=( SInt16 param )
Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixelRef operator=( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Assign a pixel.
SFXPixel::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXPixel * param )
Convert SFXPixel into SFXPixel::AtomRec.
SFXPixel::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXPixel const * param )
Convert SFXPixel into SFXPixel::AtomRec.
SFXPixel operator/( SFXPixelConstRef left , SInt16 right )
Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
Bool operator==( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXPixel operator-( Void )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator-( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator-( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator%( SFXPixelConstRef left , SInt16 right )
Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixel operator*( SFXPixelConstRef left , SInt16 right )
Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
Bool operator!=( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXPixel operator+( Void )
Add the coordinate and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator+( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Add the coordinate and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator+( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add the coordinate and move this pixel.
Structure that represents a pixel.
Global Functions
SFXPixel::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXPixel * param )
Convert SFXPixel into SFXPixel::AtomRec.
SFXPixel::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXPixel const * param )
Convert SFXPixel into SFXPixel::AtomRec.
SFXPixel operator/( SFXPixelConstRef left , SInt16 right )
Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
Bool operator==( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXPixel operator-( Void )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator-( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator-( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator%( SFXPixelConstRef left , SInt16 right )
Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPixel operator*( SFXPixelConstRef left , SInt16 right )
Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
Bool operator!=( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXPixel operator+( Void )
Add the coordinate and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator+( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXPixelConstRef right )
Add the coordinate and move this pixel.
SFXPixel operator+( SFXPixelConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add the coordinate and move this pixel.

Constructor of the SFXPixel class.
[ public, explicit ]
[ public ]
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // source pixel
[ public, explicit ]
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate


If the arguments are specified, this constructer will set this pixel to the specified values by calling the SFXPixel::Set function internally.



Add the specified value to the coordinates.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Add(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Add(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to the X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to add to the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::Neg

Add the specified value to the X coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef AddX(
    SInt16 param   // value to add to the X coordinate


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::NegX

Add the specified value to the Y coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef AddY(
    SInt16 param   // value to add to the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::NegY

Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Div(
    SInt16 x   // divide X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Div(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::Neg | operator/ | SFXPixel::operator/=

Divide the X coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef DivX(
    SInt16 param   // divide X coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::NegX

Divide the Y coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef DivY(
    SInt16 param   // divide Y coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::NegY

Check whether this pixel equals the specified pixel or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // pixel to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of the pixel to compare
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of the pixel to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


operator== | operator!=

Get the Y coordinate of the bottom edge.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetBottom(Void);


SFXPixel::GetTop | SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::GetRight | SFXPixel::GetLeftTop | SFXPixel::GetRightTop | SFXPixel::GetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::GetRightBottom | SFXPixel::SetBottom

Get the X coordinate of the left edge.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetLeft(Void);


SFXPixel::GetTop | SFXPixel::GetBottom | SFXPixel::GetRight | SFXPixel::GetLeftTop | SFXPixel::GetRightTop | SFXPixel::GetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::GetRightBottom | SFXPixel::SetLeft

Get the coordinates of left-bottom point.
[ public, const ]
SFXGrid GetLeftBottom(Void);


SFXPixel::GetBottom | SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::SetLeftBottom

Get the coordinates of left-top point.
[ public, const ]
SFXGrid GetLeftTop(Void);


SFXPixel::GetTop | SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::SetLeftTop

Get the X coordinate of the right edge.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetRight(Void);


SFXPixel::GetTop | SFXPixel::GetBottom | SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::GetLeftTop | SFXPixel::GetRightTop | SFXPixel::GetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::GetRightBottom | SFXPixel::SetRight

Get the coordinates of right-bottom point.
[ public, const ]
SFXGrid GetRightBottom(Void);


SFXPixel::GetBottom | SFXPixel::GetRight | SFXPixel::SetRightBottom

Get the coordinates of right-top point.
[ public, const ]
SFXGrid GetRightTop(Void);


SFXPixel::GetTop | SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::GetRight | SFXPixel::SetRightTop

Get the Y coordinate of top edge.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetTop(Void);


SFXPixel::GetBottom | SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::GetRight | SFXPixel::GetLeftTop | SFXPixel::GetRightTop | SFXPixel::GetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::GetRightBottom | SFXPixel::SetTop

Get the X coordinate.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetX(Void);


SFXPixel::GetY | SFXPixel::SetX

Get the Y coordinate.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetY(Void);


SFXPixel::GetX | SFXPixel::SetY

Check whether this pixel is inside of the specified rectangular area or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool IsInsideOf(
    SFXRectangleConstRef param   // base rectangle

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


The pixel with coordinates on the edge of the rectangle is also considered being inside of the rectangle.

Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Mod(
    SInt16 x   // divide X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Mod(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::Neg | operator% | SFXPixel::operator%=

Set the X coordinate to the remainder of the division of X coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef ModX(
    SInt16 param   // divide X coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::NegX

Set the Y coordinate to the remainder of the division of Y coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef ModY(
    SInt16 param   // divide Y coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::NegY

Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Mul(
    SInt16 x   // value to multiply with the X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to multiply with the Y coordinate
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Mul(
    SInt16 param   // value to multiply with the coordinates


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::Neg | operator* | SFXPixel::operator*=

Multiply the X coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef MulX(
    SInt16 param   // value to multiply with the X coordinate


SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::NegX

Multiply the Y coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef MulY(
    SInt16 param   // value to multiply with the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::NegY

Negate the sign of the coordinates.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Neg(Void);


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::NegX | SFXPixel::NegY

Negate the sign of the X coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef NegX(Void);


SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::Neg | SFXPixel::NegY

Negate the sign of the Y coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef NegY(Void);


SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::Neg | SFXPixel::NegX

Add the specified value to the coordinates and move this pixel.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Offset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Offset(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to the X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to add to the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::Unoffset | operator- | operator+

Set the pixel.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Set(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // pixel to set
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Set(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate to set



Set the Y coordinate of the bottom edge.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetBottom(
    SInt16 param   // Y coordinate of the bottom edge to set


SFXPixel::GetBottom | SFXPixel::SetTop | SFXPixel::SetLeft | SFXPixel::SetRight | SFXPixel::SetLeftTop | SFXPixel::SetRightTop | SFXPixel::SetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::SetRightBottom

Set the X coordinate of the left edge.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetLeft(
    SInt16 param   // X coordinate of the left edge to set


SFXPixel::GetLeft | SFXPixel::SetTop | SFXPixel::SetBottom | SFXPixel::SetRight | SFXPixel::SetLeftTop | SFXPixel::SetRightTop | SFXPixel::SetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::SetRightBottom

Set the coordinates of left-bottom point.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetLeftBottom(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // coordinates of left-bottom point to set
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetLeftBottom(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of left-bottom point to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of left-bottom point to set


SFXPixel::GetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::SetBottom | SFXPixel::SetLeft

Set the coordinates of left-top point.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetLeftTop(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // coordinates of left-top point to set
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetLeftTop(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of left-top point to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of left-top point to set


SFXPixel::GetLeftTop | SFXPixel::SetTop | SFXPixel::SetLeft

Set the X coordinate of the right edge.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetRight(
    SInt16 param   // X coordinate of the right edge to set


SFXPixel::GetRight | SFXPixel::SetTop | SFXPixel::SetBottom | SFXPixel::SetLeft | SFXPixel::SetLeftTop | SFXPixel::SetRightTop | SFXPixel::SetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::SetRightBottom

Set the coordinates of right-bottom point.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetRightBottom(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // coordinates of right-bottom point to set
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetRightBottom(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of right-bottom point to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of right-bottom point to set


SFXPixel::GetRightBottom | SFXPixel::SetBottom | SFXPixel::SetRight

Set the coordinates of right-top point.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetRightTop(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // coordinates of right-top point to set
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetRightTop(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of right-top point to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of right-top point to set


SFXPixel::GetRightTop | SFXPixel::SetTop | SFXPixel::SetLeft | SFXPixel::SetRight

Set the Y coordinate of the top edge.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetTop(
    SInt16 param   // Y coordinate of the top edge to set


SFXPixel::GetTop | SFXPixel::SetBottom | SFXPixel::SetLeft | SFXPixel::SetRight | SFXPixel::SetLeftTop | SFXPixel::SetRightTop | SFXPixel::SetLeftBottom | SFXPixel::SetRightBottom

Set the X coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetX(
    SInt16 param   // X coordinate to set


SFXPixel::GetX | SFXPixel::Set | SFXPixel::SetY

Set the Y coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SetY(
    SInt16 param   // Y coordinate to set


SFXPixel::GetY | SFXPixel::Set | SFXPixel::SetX

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Sub(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Sub(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from the X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::Add | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::Neg

Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SubX(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract from the X coordinate


SFXPixel::AddX | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::SubY | SFXPixel::MulX | SFXPixel::DivX | SFXPixel::ModX | SFXPixel::NegX

Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef SubY(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::AddY | SFXPixel::Sub | SFXPixel::SubX | SFXPixel::MulY | SFXPixel::DivY | SFXPixel::ModY | SFXPixel::NegY

Subtract the coordinate and move this pixel.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Unoffset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef Unoffset(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from the X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate


SFXPixel::Offset | operator- | operator+

Get the instance that represents 0.
[ public, static ]
SFXPixelConstRef ZeroInstance(Void);


This function returns the 0 instance, which means that 0 or null is set to all the member variables of its corresponding AtomRec struct.


SFXPixel pixel(10, 20);

pixel = SFXPixel::ZeroInstance();  // initialize pixel
TRACE("x = %d, y = %d", pixel.GetX(), pixel.GetY());  // x = 0, y = 0



Convert SFXPixel into SFXPixel::AtomRec.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel::AtomRec * atomic_cast(
    SFXPixel * param   // pixel to cast
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel::AtomRec const * atomic_cast(
    SFXPixel const * param   // pixel to cast



Assign a pixel.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator=(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // source pixel



Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator/=(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::Div | operator/ | SFXPixel::operator*= | SFXPixel::operator%=

Divide the coordinates by the specified value.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator/(
    SFXPixelConstRef left   // pixel to divide
    SInt16 right            // divide the coordinates by this value


The operation when the right is 0 has not been defined yet.


SFXPixel::Div | SFXPixel::operator/= | operator* | operator%

Check the "==" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    SFXPixelConstRef left    // pixel to compare
    SFXPixelConstRef right   // pixel to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXPixel::Equals | operator!=

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator-=(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator-=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates


SFXPixel::Unoffset | operator- | SFXPixel::operator+=

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates and move this pixel.
[ public, const ]
SFXPixel operator-(Void);
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator-(
    SFXPixelConstRef left    // pixel to move
    SFXPixelConstRef right   // value to subtract from the coordinates
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator-(
    SFXPixelConstRef left   // pixel to move
    SFXGridConstRef right   // value to subtract from the coordinates


SFXPixel::Unoffset | SFXPixel::operator-= | operator+

Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator%=(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXPixel::Mod | SFXPixel::operator/= | SFXPixel::operator*= | operator%

Set the coordinates to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator%(
    SFXPixelConstRef left   // coordinates of the pixel to divide
    SInt16 right            // divide the coordinates by this value


The operation when the right is 0 has not been defined yet.


SFXPixel::Mod | operator/ | operator* | SFXPixel::operator%=

Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator*=(
    SInt16 param   // value to multiply with the coordinates


SFXPixel::Mul | SFXPixel::operator/= | operator* | SFXPixel::operator%=

Multiply the coordinates by the specified value.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator*(
    SFXPixelConstRef left   // coordinates of the pixel to multiply
    SInt16 right            // value to multiply with the coordinates


SFXPixel::Mul | operator/ | SFXPixel::operator*= | operator%

Check the "!=" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    SFXPixelConstRef left    // pixel to compare
    SFXPixelConstRef right   // pixel to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXPixel::Equals | operator==

Add the specified value to the coordinates and move this pixel.
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator+=(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXPixelRef operator+=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates


SFXPixel::Offset | SFXPixel::operator-= | operator+

Add the coordinate and move this pixel.
[ public, const ]
SFXPixel operator+(Void);
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator+(
    SFXPixelConstRef left    // pixel to move
    SFXPixelConstRef right   // value to add to the coordinates
[ public, friend ]
SFXPixel operator+(
    SFXPixelConstRef left   // pixel to move
    SFXGridConstRef right   // value to add to the coordinates


SFXPixel::Offset | operator- | SFXPixel::operator+=

Structure that represents a pixel.
struct AtomRec {
  SInt16  x;  // X coordinate
  SInt16  y;  // Y coordinate