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24.9. Stream

Class Name Base / Derived Description
SFXStream Base Base class of stream.
SFXBinaryStream Base Base class which represents a stream for reading or writing the binary sequence.
SFXInputStream Base Base class which represents a stream for reading.
SFXStringStream Base Base class which represents a stream for reading or writing a string.
SFXOutputStream Base Base class which represents a stream for writing.
SFXStreamReader Derived Class for accessing a stream for reading.
SFXStreamWriter Derived Class for accessing a stream for writing.
SFXAnsiStringStreamReader Derived Class for a stream to read the AChar string from.
SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter Derived Class for a stream to write the AChar string onto.
SFXWideStringStreamReader Derived Class for a stream to read the WChar string from.
SFXWideStringStreamWriter Derived Class for a stream to write the WChar string onto.
SFXBinaryStreamReader Derived Class for a stream to read the binary sequence from.
SFXBinaryStreamWriter Derived Class for a stream to write the binary sequence onto.
SFXElasticStreamReader Derived Class for a stream to read data from using the elastic buffer.
SFXElasticStreamWriter Derived Class for a stream to write data into using the elastic buffer.