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24.8. Network

Class Name Description
SFXInetAddress Class for managing a domain name and/or an IP address.
SFXSocketAddress Class for managing a domain name and/or an IP address and a port number.
SFXHTTPConnection Class for the HTTP communication.
SFXTCPSocket Class for the TCP socket communication.
SFXSSLSocket Class for the SSL socket communication.
SFXUDPSocket Class for the UDP socket communication.
SFXSMTPSender Class for sending a SMTP mail.
SFXPOP3Receiver Class for receiving a POP3 mail.
SFXMailMessage Class for processing a mail message.
SFXMailUtility Utility class for processing a mail message.
SFXSMTP Class for processing the SMTP protocol.
SFXPOP3 Class for processing the POP3 protocol.
SFXMailField Class for encoding and decoding the mail header.