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Base class which represents a stream for reading.
#include <SFXInputStream.h.hpp>
class SFXInputStream : public SFXStream;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXInputStreamClass


The following class that inherited from the SFXInputStream class : SFXAnsiStringStreamReader class, SFXWideStringStreamReader class, or SFXBinaryStreamReader class is used properly according to the type of data.


SFXAnsiStringStreamReader | SFXWideStringStreamReader | SFXBinaryStreamReader


SFXInputStream( Void )
Constructor of the SFXInputStream class.
~SFXInputStream( Void )
Destructor of the SFXInputStream class.
Public Functions
Bool Ends( Void )
Check whether the stream ends or not.
SFCError Fetch( Void )
Fetch for reading data newly.
SFCError Fetch( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
Fetch for reading data newly.
SInt32 FirstIndexOf( SFXBufferConstRef buffer , SInt32 index = SINT32_MINIMUM )
Get the first index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the beginning.
SInt32 FirstIndexOf( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32 size , SInt32 index = SINT32_MINIMUM )
Get the first index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the beginning.
SInt32 FirstIndexOf( Byte byte , SInt32 index = SINT32_MINIMUM )
Get the first index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the beginning.
UInt32 GetReadableSize( Void )
Get the size of readable data.
SInt32 LastIndexOf( SFXBufferConstRef buffer , SInt32 index = SINT32_MAXIMUM )
Get the last index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the end.
SInt32 LastIndexOf( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32 size , SInt32 index = SINT32_MAXIMUM )
Get the last index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the end.
SInt32 LastIndexOf( Byte byte , SInt32 index = SINT32_MAXIMUM )
Get the last index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the end.
SFCError Read( SFXBufferPtr buffer )
Read data from the input stream.
SFCError Read( VoidPtr buffer , UInt32 size )
Read data from the input stream.
SFCError Seek( UInt32 size )
Move the read pointer forward.
Void Cancel( Void ) (inherits from SFXStream)
Cancel to read from / write onto this stream.
SFCError ResetTrigger( Void ) (inherits from SFXStream)
Reset the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
SFCError SetTrigger( UInt32 size ) (inherits from SFXStream)
Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
SFCError SetTrigger( SFXBufferConstRef buffer ) (inherits from SFXStream)
Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
SFCError SetTrigger( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32 size ) (inherits from SFXStream)
Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
Bool Triggers( Void ) (inherits from SFXStream)
Check whether or not the callback function is booted up by the trigger condition.
CallbackSPP (inherits from SFXStream)
Type that represents the callback function.

Constructor of the SFXInputStream class.
[ protected, explicit ]

Destructor of the SFXInputStream class.
[ public, pure-virtual ]
virtual ~SFXInputStream(Void);


This function is a pure virtual function.

Check whether the stream ends or not.
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
Bool Ends(Void);


This function is a pure virtual function.

Fetch for reading data newly.
[ public, pure-virtual ]
SFCError Fetch(Void);
[ public, pure-virtual ]
SFCError Fetch(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // the data passed to the callback function


This function is a pure virtual function.

Get the first index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the beginning.
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
SInt32 FirstIndexOf(
    SFXBufferConstRef buffer        // buffer object to match
    SInt32 index = SINT32_MINIMUM   // beginning index to search from
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
SInt32 FirstIndexOf(
    VoidConstPtr buffer             // buffer data to match
    UInt32 size                     // size of the buffer data to match
    SInt32 index = SINT32_MINIMUM   // beginning index to search from
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
SInt32 FirstIndexOf(
    Byte byte                       // byte data to match
    SInt32 index = SINT32_MINIMUM   // beginning index to search from


This function is a pure virtual function.



Get the size of readable data.
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
UInt32 GetReadableSize(Void);


This function is a pure virtual function.

Get the last index of SFXInputStream object to match the specified data, searching from the end.
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
SInt32 LastIndexOf(
    SFXBufferConstRef buffer        // buffer object to match
    SInt32 index = SINT32_MAXIMUM   // beginning index to search from
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
SInt32 LastIndexOf(
    VoidConstPtr buffer             // buffer data to match
    UInt32 size                     // size of the buffer data to match
    SInt32 index = SINT32_MAXIMUM   // beginning index to search from
[ public, pure-virtual, const ]
SInt32 LastIndexOf(
    Byte byte                       // byte data to match
    SInt32 index = SINT32_MAXIMUM   // beginning index to search from


This function is a pure virtual function.



Read data from the input stream.
[ public, pure-virtual ]
SFCError Read(
    SFXBufferPtr buffer   // buffer to read data from the input stream into
[ public, pure-virtual ]
SFCError Read(
    VoidPtr buffer   // pointer to the buffer to read data from the input stream into
    UInt32 size      // size of the buffer to read data from the input stream into


This function is a pure virtual function.

Move the read pointer forward.
[ public, pure-virtual ]
SFCError Seek(
    UInt32 size   // size to move the read pointer forward


This function is a pure virtual function.