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Class for a stream to write data into using the elastic buffer.
#include <SFXElasticStreamWriter.h.hpp>
class SFXElasticStreamWriter : public SFXOutputStream;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXElasticStreamWriterClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXElasticStreamWriterClass


What is SFXElasticStreamWriter?

The SFXElasticStreamWriter class is internally used to write data into the stream with the elastic buffer.

If the SFXBinaryStreamWriter / SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter / SFXWideStringStreamWriter instance is gotten (or set) with the GetStreamWriter function of the storage class without specifying the size argument(i.e., buffer size), the stream buffer will be elastic.

At this time, internally, the SFXElasticStreamWriter stream will be attached to the SFXBinaryStreamWriter / SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter / SFXWideStringStreamWriter stream with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Attach function. By this operation, data will be written into the stream using the elastic buffer.

The buffer will automatically expanded to the same size of data to be written.

[Note] Note
In general, you don't have to use the SFXElasticStreamWriter class explicitly since the processing of writing data onto the stream with the elastic buffer has already been implemented.


SFXBinaryStreamWriter | SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter | SFXWideStringStreamWriter | SFXElasticStreamReader


SFXElasticStreamWriter( Void )
Constructor of the SFXElasticStreamWriter class.
~SFXElasticStreamWriter( Void )
Destructor of the SFXElasticStreamWriter class.
Public Functions
Void Attach( SFXOutputStreamPtr stream )
Attach the specified stream to this stream.
Void Cancel( Void )
Cancel to write onto this stream.
SFXOutputStreamPtr Detach( Void )
Detach the stream from this stream.
SFCError Flush( Void )
Flush the written data.
SFCError Flush( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
Flush the written data.
UInt32 GetWritableSize( Void )
Get the size of data that can be written into this stream. [in bytes]
Void Release( Void )
Release this stream.
SFCError ResetTrigger( Void )
Reset the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
SFCError SetTrigger( UInt32 size )
Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
SFCError SetTrigger( SFXBufferConstRef buffer )
Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
SFCError SetTrigger( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32 size )
Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
Bool Triggers( Void )
Check whether or not the callback function is booted up by the trigger condition.
SFCError Write( SFXBufferConstRef buffer )
Write data to stream.
SFCError Write( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32 size )
Write data to stream.
CallbackSPP (inherits from SFXStream)
Type that represents the callback function.

Constructor of the SFXElasticStreamWriter class.
[ public, explicit ]

Destructor of the SFXElasticStreamWriter class.
[ public, virtual ]
virtual ~SFXElasticStreamWriter(Void);

Attach the specified stream to this stream.
[ public ]
Void Attach(
    SFXOutputStreamPtr stream   // stream to set


The stream and the elastic buffer which have been set to this stream before this function is called will be destroyed.



Cancel to write onto this stream.
[ public, virtual ]
Void Cancel(Void);


This function cancels to write onto this stream.

Concretely, the following operations are performed internally.

  1. Call the Cancel function of the storage class associated with this stream.

    In case of the file storage, the SFXFile::Cancel function will be called. In case of the TCP socket storage, the SFXTCPSocket::Cancel function will be called.

  2. Unregister the callback functions registered into this stream with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush function.

[Note] Note
This function will be called internally in the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Release function.


SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush | SFXFile::Cancel | SFXTCPSocket::Cancel

Detach the stream from this stream.
[ public ]
SFXOutputStreamPtr Detach(Void);

Return value

Stream which has been attached to this stream


After this function is executed, no stream will be set to this stream. And the elastic buffer will be destroyed.



Flush the written data.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Flush(Void);
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Flush(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // data passed to the callback function

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the stream is not set, or the callback function has already been registered by this function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If failed: SFERR_FAILED or the error value that defined in AEEError.h


This function writes data in the buffer of this stream onto the storage set to this stream.

There are two types of this function: one registers a callback function and another does not. Which type is available depends on the kind of the storage.

For instance, only the type to registet a callback function is availavle for the stream set to the SFXTCPSocket storage. However, both types are available for the stream to the SFXFile storage.

In case of the type not to registet a callback function, data in the stream buffer will be written into the storage immediately after this function is called.

[Tip] Tip
By calling the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Write function, data will be written into the stream buffer.


SFXElasticStreamWriter::Write | SFXElasticStreamWriter::SetTrigger | Stream Buffer | Storage

Get the size of data that can be written into this stream. [in bytes]
[ public, const ]
UInt32 GetWritableSize(Void);

Return value

  • If the stream is set: 0xFFFFFFFF
  • Otherwise: 0


This function gets the size of data that can be written into the stream buffer. [in bytes]

Since the SFXElasticStreamWriter class is the variable buffer stream, data can be written into the stream buffer by calling the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Write function as long as the physical memory allows.

If the stream is set with the GetStreamWriter of the storage class, 0xFFFFFFFF will be returned. Otherwise, 0 will be returned.

[Note] Note
Since there is memory limitation, the value less than 0xFFFFFFFF of memory will be available actually.


SFXElasticStreamWriter::Write | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush | Stream Buffer | Variable Buffer Stream | Storage

Release this stream.
[ public ]
Void Release(Void);


This function cancels to write onto this stream and releases this stream.

[Note] Note

This function will be called in the destructor of this stream.

Also, it cancels to write onto this stream by calling the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Cancel function.



Reset the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError ResetTrigger(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the stream is not set, or a callback function has already been registered with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE


This function resets the trigger condition set with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::SetTrigger function.


SFXElasticStreamWriter::SetTrigger | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Triggers | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush

Set the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError SetTrigger(
    UInt32 size   // size of the data to write onto this stream
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError SetTrigger(
    SFXBufferConstRef buffer   // data to write onto this stream
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError SetTrigger(
    VoidConstPtr buffer   // data to write onto this stream
    UInt32 size           // size of the data to write onto this stream

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the stream is not set, or a callback function has already been registered with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The callback function registered by the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush function will be booted up when data of the stream buffer is written into the storage set to this stream.

This function sets the trigger condition that the callback function will be booted up other than the above timing.

If only the size argument is specified, the callback function will be booted up every time the specified size of data is written into this stream.

If the buffer argument is specified, the callback function will be booted up every time the specified data is written into this stream.


The code below is to boot up the callback function every time the line-feed character is written into the stream.

SetTrigger("\r\n", 2);


SFXElasticStreamWriter::ResetTrigger | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Triggers | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush

Check whether or not the callback function is booted up by the trigger condition.
[ public, virtual, const ]
Bool Triggers(Void);

Return value

  • If the callback function is booted up by the trigger condition: true
  • Otherwise: false


This function checks whether or not the callback function is booted up by the trigger condition set with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::SetTrigger function.

This function is used in the callback function to register with the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush function.


SFXElasticStreamWriter::SetTrigger | SFXElasticStreamWriter::ResetTrigger | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush

Write data to stream.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Write(
    SFXBufferConstRef buffer   // writing data
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Write(
    VoidConstPtr buffer   // writing data
    UInt32 size           // size of writing data

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the stream is not set: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the buffer argument is null, the size argument is less than or equals 0, or, memory is insufficient: SFERR_FAILED


This fucntion writes data specified in the buffer argument onto the buffer of this stream.

Since the SFXElasticStreamWriter class is the variable buffer stream, data can be written into the stream buffer by calling the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Write function as long as the physical memory allows.

[Caution] Caution
If the buffer argument is null, the size argument is less than or equals 0, or, memory is insufficient, SFERR_FAILED will be returned.
[Tip] Tip
By calling the SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush function, data in the stream buffer will be written into the storage set to the stream and the stream buffer will become empty.


SFXElasticStreamWriter::GetWritableSize | SFXElasticStreamWriter::Flush | Stream Buffer | Variable Buffer Stream | Storage