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Class for managing a domain name and/or an IP address.
#include <SFXInetAddress.h.hpp>
class SFXInetAddress;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXInetAddressClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXInetAddressClass


The SFXInetAddress class provides functions such as managing domain and/or IP address or resolving domain to IP address

[Tip] Tip
To manage port number other than domain and/or IP address, use the SFXSocketAddress class.

How to use the SFXInetAddress class

  1. Set a domain with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function.
  2. Resolve the domain with the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function. The callback function notified of result of domain name resolution should specified in the argument of this function.
  3. Domain resolution can be canceled by calling the SFXInetAddress::Cancel function.
  4. After domain name resolution finishes, the callback function registered in Step 2. will be called.
  5. In the callback function, processing after domain name resolution is described.
[Note] Note

There is no need to resolve domain with the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function when an IP address is specified with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function.

Example 823. Method to resolve domain

class MyClass {
    SFXInetAddress _address;
    Void Function(Void);

Void MyClass::Function(Void)
    SFCError error;

    // set domain name
    if ((error = _address.Set(""); == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // resolve domain name(result of domain name resolution will be notified to the ResolveCallback function)
        error = _address.Resolve(XALLBACK_INTERNAL(ResolveCallback));
    if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // if an error occurs, the ResolveCallback function will not be called

        // error handling

// callback function notified of result of domain name resolution
     SInt16 i;

     // display domain name on BREW Output window
      // repeat number of IP addresses
     for(i = 0 ; i < _address.GetCount() ; i++){

         // display IP address on BREW Output window


SFXSocketAddress | IP address, domain, port number


SFXInetAddress( Void )
Constructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
SFXInetAddress( SFXInetAddressConstRef param )
Constructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
SFXInetAddress( SFXAnsiStringConstRef param )
Constructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
SFXInetAddress( INAddr inaddr )
Constructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
~SFXInetAddress( Void )
Destructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
Public Functions
AnyInetAddress( Void )
Get INADDR_ANY of the SFXInetAddress type.
INAddr AsINAddr( SInt16 index = 0 )
Get the IP address of the INAddr type from this object.
Void Cancel( Void )
Cancel to resolve the domain name.
Void Clear( Void )
Clear the domain name or IP address setting of this object.
EmptyInstance( Void )
Get an empty address.
SFXAnsiStringConstRef Get( Void )
Get the domain name of the SFXAnsiString type from this object.
SInt16 GetCount( Void )
Get the number of IP addresses from this object.
SFXAnsiString GetIP( SInt16 index = 0 )
Get the IP address of the SFXAnsiString type from this object.
LocalInetAddress( Void )
Get the IP address of the local host or device.
LoopbackInetAddress( Void )
Get the loopback address of the SFXInetAddress type.
SFCError Resolve( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
Resolve the domain name.
SFCError Set( SFXInetAddressConstRef param )
Set the specified domain name or IP address to this object.
SFCError Set( SFXAnsiStringConstRef param )
Set the specified domain name or IP address to this object.
SFCError Set( INAddr inaddr )
Set the specified domain name or IP address to this object.
SFXInetAddressRef operator=( SFXInetAddressConstRef param )
Assign the specified address of the SFXInetAddress type.
Type that represents the callback function.

Constructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
[ public, explicit ]
[ public ]
    SFXInetAddressConstRef param   // source SFXInetAddress
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef param   // domain name
[ public, explicit ]
    INAddr inaddr   // IP Address


If a domain name or an IP address is specified in the argument of this constructor, it will be set to this object by calling the SFXInetAddress::Set function internally.

Otherwise, this constructor will do nothing.



Destructor of the SFXInetAddress class.
[ public ]


This destructor cancels to resolve the domain name by calling the SFXInetAddress::Cancel function internally.



Get INADDR_ANY of the SFXInetAddress type.
[ public, static ]
SFXInetAddress AnyInetAddress(Void);

Return value

INADDR_ANY (AEE_INADDR_ANY: of the SFXInetAddress type


This function gets INADDR_ANY ( BREW API AEE_INADDR_ANY) of the SFXInetAddress type.

[Note] Note

In BREW, INADDR_ANY ( BREW API AEE_INADDR_ANY) is defined as follows:

#define AEE_INADDR_ANY      ((INAddr) 0)

The BREW API INAddr type is defined as follows:

typedef uint32 INAddr;


SFXInetAddress::LocalInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::LoopbackInetAddress | BREW API AEE_INADDR_ANY | BREW API INAddr

Get the IP address of the INAddr type from this object.
[ public, const ]
INAddr AsINAddr(
    SInt16 index = 0   // index

Return value

IP address of the BREW API INAddr type


This function gets the IP address of the BREW API INAddr type from this object.

When this object contains a multiple of IP addresses, the IP address can be specified in the index argument. The default index is 0.

The number of IP addresses that this object contains can be obtained by calling the SFXInetAddress::GetCount function.

[Note] Note

When not an IP address but a domain name is set to this object with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function, it is necessary to resolve the domain name with the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function before this function is called.

[Note] Note

The BREW API INAddr type is defined as follows:

typedef uint32 INAddr;


SFXInetAddress::GetCount | SFXInetAddress::GetIP | SFXInetAddress::Set | SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::Resolve | BREW API INAddr

Cancel to resolve the domain name.
[ public ]
Void Cancel(Void);


This function cancels to resolve the domain name.

Concretely, this function cancels the callback function registered with the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function and releases the SFBNetMgr instance that the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function creates internally.

[Tip] Tip

This function is used to cancel to resolve the domain name before the callback function is called after calling the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function.

This function is called in the SFXInetAddress::~SFXInetAddress destructor or SFXInetAddress::Clear function.


SFXInetAddress::Resolve | SFXInetAddress::~SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::Clear | SFBNetMgr

Clear the domain name or IP address setting of this object.
[ public ]
Void Clear(Void);


This function cancels the domain name resolution of the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function by calling the SFXInetAddress::Cancel function internally and clears the domain name or IP address setting of this object set with the SFXInetAddress::Set function or the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor.


SFXInetAddress::Set | SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::Cancel | SFXInetAddress::Resolve

Get an empty address.
[ public, static ]
SFXInetAddressConstRef EmptyInstance(Void);

Return value

Empty address of the SFXInetAddress type


This function gets an empty address of the SFXInetAddress type.

[Tip] Tip
This function is used to return an empty address as the return value of a function.

Get the domain name of the SFXAnsiString type from this object.
[ public, const ]
SFXAnsiStringConstRef Get(Void);

Return value

Domain name of the SFXAnsiString type


This function gets the domain name of the SFXAnsiString type from this object.

[Note] Note

If an IP address of the BREW API INAddr type is set with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function, it will be returned in the "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" (nnn: number) format of the SFXAnsiString type as the domain name.


SFXInetAddress::Set | SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::operator= | SFXInetAddress::GetIP | SFXAnsiString | BREW API INAddr

Get the number of IP addresses from this object.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetCount(Void);

Return value

Number of IP addresses of this object


This function gets the number of IP addresses set to this object.

[Note] Note

When not an IP address but a domain name is set to this object with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function, it is necessary to resolve the domain name with the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function before this function is called.


SFXInetAddress::Resolve | SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr | SFXInetAddress::GetIP

Get the IP address of the SFXAnsiString type from this object.
[ public, const ]
SFXAnsiString GetIP(
    SInt16 index = 0   // index

Return value

IP address in the "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn"(nnn: number) format of the SFXAnsiString type from this object


This function gets the IP address in the "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn"(nnn: number) format of the SFXAnsiString type from this object.

When this object contains a multiple of IP addresses, the IP address can be specified in the index argument. The default index is 0.

The number of IP addresses that this object contains can be obtained by calling the SFXInetAddress::GetCount function.

[Note] Note

When not an IP address but a domain name is set to this object with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function, it is necessary to resolve the domain name with the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function before this function is called.


SFXInetAddress::GetCount | SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr | SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::Set | SFXInetAddress::Resolve | SFXAnsiString

Get the IP address of the local host or device.
[ public, static ]
SFXInetAddress LocalInetAddress(Void);

Return value

IP address of the local host or device of the SFXInetAddress type


This function gets the IP address of the local host or device of the SFXInetAddress type.

[Note] Note

This function internally calls the SFBNetMgr::GetMyIPAddr function.


SFXInetAddress::AnyInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::LoopbackInetAddress | SFBNetMgr::GetMyIPAddr | BREW API INETMGR_GetMyIPAddr

Get the loopback address of the SFXInetAddress type.
[ public, static ]
SFXInetAddress LoopbackInetAddress(Void);

Return value

Loopback address (AEE_BREW_LOOPBACK: of the SFXInetAddress type


This function gets the loopback address of BREW API AEE_BREW_LOOPBACK that is converted into the SFXInetAddress type.

[Note] Note

BREW API AEE_BREW_LOOPBACK is defined as follows:

#define AEE_BREW_LOOPBACK   (0x7f000045L)
[Tip] Tip
This function is valid in BREW 2.1 or above.


SFXInetAddress::AnyInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::LocalInetAddress | BREW API AEE_BREW_LOOPBACK

Resolve the domain name.
[ public ]
SFCError Resolve(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // data passed to callback function

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this function is called during resolving the domain name: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the domain name is not set: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If failed to create the SFBNetMgr instance: SFERR_FAILED


This function resolves the domain name included in the address set with the SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress constructor or the SFXInetAddress::Set function.

The resolved IP addresses can be obtained with the SFXInetAddress::GetIP / SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr function.

As a result of domain name resolution, a domain name may be converted into a multiple of IP addresses. In such a case, by specifying the index value in the argument of the SFXInetAddress::GetIP / SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr function, any IP address can be obtained. The total number of IP addresses can be obtained with the SFXInetAddress::GetCount function.

When the domain name resolution completes, the callback function specified in the argument will be called. However, if an error occurs in this function, it will not be called.

The domain name resolution can be canceled by calling the SFXInetAddress::Cancel function before the callback function is called.

[Note] First argument of the callback function

This function internally calls the BREW API INETMGR_GetHostByName function. The following return value(error) of the BREW API INETMGR_GetHostByName function will be passed to the first argument of the callback function:

  • AEE_NET_BADDOMAIN: Host name is malformed; not a valid host name.
  • AEE_NET_UNKDOMAIN: Unknown host, or one without IP addresses.
  • AEE_NET_ETIMEDOUT: No response was seen within the maximum time limit.
  • EUNSUPPORTED: DNS servers do not need to be configured on the device for it to work properly, otherwise EUNSUPPORTED is returned.
  • AEE_NET_GENERAL_FAILURE: When there is an allocation failure.
  • AEE_NET_EOPNOTSUPP: DNS Look up Not Supported.
[Note] Note

If an IP address is set or a domain name is set in the "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn"(nnn: number) format, there is no need to resolve the domain name by calling the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function.

When socket communication is performed using SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, there is no need to resolve the domain name by calling the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function since the domain name will be automatically resolved only by passing the address(domain name and port number) of the SFXSocketAddress type.


class MyClass {
    SFXInetAddress _address;
    Void Function(Void);

Void MyClass::Function(Void)
    SFCError error;

    // set domain name
    if ((error = _address.Set(""); == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // resolve domain name(result of domain name resolution will be notified to the ResolveCallback function)
        error = _address.Resolve(XALLBACK_INTERNAL(ResolveCallback));
    if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // if an error occurs, the ResolveCallback function will not be called

        // error handling

// callback function notified of result of domain name resolution
     SInt16 i;

     // display domain name on BREW Output window
      // repeat number of IP addresses
     for(i = 0 ; i < _address.GetCount() ; i++){

         // display IP address on BREW Output window


SFXInetAddress::Set | SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::operator= | SFXInetAddress::GetIP | SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr | SFXInetAddress::Cancel | SFXInetAddress::CallbackSPP | SFBNetMgr | BREW API INETMGR_GetHostByName

Set the specified domain name or IP address to this object.
[ public ]
SFCError Set(
    SFXInetAddressConstRef param   // source SFXInetAddress
[ public ]
SFCError Set(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef param   // domain name
[ public ]
SFCError Set(
    INAddr inaddr   // IP Address

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function sets the specified domain name or IP address to this object.

The IP address or domain name set to this object with this function can be obtained by calling the SFXInetAddress::Get function.

If the argument is of the SFXAnsiString type, a string in the following format can be specified. And only the <domain name> will be extracted from this string and set to this object.

<protocol> :// <domain name> : <port> / <path>  


<account> @ <domain>

When <domain name> is in the "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" (nnn: number) format or the argument is an IP address of the BREW API INAddr type, there is no need to call the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function in order to get the IP address. In this case, the IP address can be obtained by calling the SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr / SFXInetAddress::GetIP function without any domain name resolution.

[Caution] Caution

This function internally calls the SFXInetAddress::Cancel function first.

Therefore, if this function is called during the domain name resolution( from calling the SFXInetAddress::Resolve function until the result is notified to the callback function), the domain name resolution will be canceled.


SFXInetAddress address;
SFXAnsiString  domain;


domain = address.Get(); // domain: "" 
SFXInetAddress address;
INAddr         ipaddress_INAddr;
SFXAnsiString  ipaddress_SFXAnsiString;


ipaddress_INAddr        = address.AsINAddr(); // get IP address("") of the INAddr type 
ipaddress_SFXAnsiString = address.GetIP();    // get IP address("") of the SFXAnsiString type


SFXInetAddress::Get | SFXInetAddress::operator= | SFXInetAddress::Clear | SFXInetAddress::Cancel | SFXInetAddress::SFXInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::GetIP | SFXInetAddress::AsINAddr | SFXInetAddress::Resolve | SFXAnsiString | BREW API INAddr

Assign the specified address of the SFXInetAddress type.
[ public ]
SFXInetAddressRef operator=(
    SFXInetAddressConstRef param   // source SFXInetAddress


This operator assigns the specified address of the SFXInetAddress type.



Type that represents the callback function.
typedef Void(* SFXInetAddress::CallbackSPP)(SFCError error, VoidPtr reference)


The SFXInetAddress::CallbackSPP function is the prototype for the callback function used in the SFXInetAddress class. The result of communication processing is notified to the callback function.

The error code is passed to the 1st argument, the parameter for the callback function is passed to the 2nd argument.

