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Storage class for the memory stream.
#include <SFXMemory.h.hpp>
class SFXMemory : public SFXStorage;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXMemoryClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXMemoryClass


The SFXMemory class is used to read / write data from / into the memory storage.

Data can be read from /written into the memory storage using the SFXMemory class as follows:

How to use the SFXMemory class

  1. Create the SFXMemory instance.
  2. Open the SFXMemory storage with the SFXMemory::Open function.
  3. Get the input / output stream with the SFXMemory::GetStreamReader / SFXMemory::GetStreamWriter function.
  4. Read / write data from / into the SFXMemory storage through the input / output stream.
  5. * If the input / output stream is not used, data can be read from / written into the SFXMemory storage with the SFXMemory::Read / SFXMemory::Write function.
  6. Close the SFXMemory storage with the SFXMemory::Close function.
[Note] Memory pointer

The SFXMemory class has the memory pointer. The SFXMemory::Read / SFXMemory::Write function reads / writes data from / into the memory storage through the memory pointer, which will advance by the amount of the read / written data.

It is possible to move the memory pointer with the SFXMemory::Seek / SFXMemory::SeekStart / SFXMemory::SeekEnd.

Or, when data is read or written using the stream, the memory pointer will advance by the amount of the read / written data too.

Example 826. How to use the SFXMemory class

SFXMemory memory;
SFXBinaryStreamWriter writer;   // output stream for writing data to memory
SFXBinaryStreamReader reader;   // input stream for reading data from memory
SFXAnsiString string;           // variable to read data from memory storage

// open memory storage
if (memory.Open() == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

    // get output stream for writing data to memory(buffer size is 1024)
    if (memory.GetStreamWriter(1024, &writer)== SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        writer << "abc";  // write "abc" to output stream
        writer.Flush();         // write "abc" from output stream to memory storage

        // display data to write to memory storage on BREW Output Window
        TRACE("size = %d", memory.GetSize());    // display buffer size: "size = 4"
        TRACE("wrire = %s", memory.GetBuffer()); // display internal buffer: "write = abc + '\0'" 
        writer.Release();  // release output stream

    // seek at start

    // get input stream for reading data from memory
    if (memory.GetStreamReader(1024, &reader) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        reader.Fetch();  // read data from memory storage to input stream
        reader >> string; // read data from input stream to string

        // display data to read from memory storage on BREW Output Window
        TRACE("size = %d", string.GetLength());   // display string length: " size = 3"
        TRACE("read = %s", string.GetCString());  // display string: "read = abc" 

        reader.Release();  // release input stream
    memory.Close();  // close memory storage


Storage | SFXBinaryStreamReader | SFXAnsiStringStreamReader | SFXWideStringStreamReader | SFXBinaryStreamWriter | SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter | SFXWideStringStreamWriter


SFXMemory( Void )
Constructor of the SFXMemory class.
SFXMemory( UInt16 threshold , UInt16 cluster )
Constructor of the SFXMemory class.
~SFXMemory( Void )
Destructor of the SFXMemory class.
Public Functions
SFCError AsSFBAStream( SFBAStreamSmpPtr result )
Convert the SFXBuffer instance internally managed by this memory storage into the SFBAStream instance.
SFCError AsSFBSource( SFBSourceSmpPtr result )
Convert the SFXBuffer instance internally managed by this memory storage into the SFBSource instance.
Void Cancel( Void )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError Close( SFXBufferPtr buffer )
Close this memory stotage.
Void Close( Void )
Close this memory stotage.
VoidConstPtr GetBuffer( Void )
Get the pointer to the internal buffer of this memory storage.
UInt16 GetCluster( Void )
Get the cluster size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
UInt32 GetSize( Void )
Get the size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
SFCError GetStreamReader( UInt32 size , SFXStreamReaderPtr result )
Get the input stream for reading data from this memory storage.
SFCError GetStreamReader( SFXStreamReaderPtr result )
Get the input stream for reading data from this memory storage.
SFCError GetStreamWriter( UInt32 size , SFXStreamWriterPtr result )
Get the output stream for writing data onto this memory storage.
SFCError GetStreamWriter( SFXStreamWriterPtr result )
Get the output stream for writing data onto this memory storage.
UInt16 GetThreshold( Void )
Get the minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
SFCError Open( SFXBufferConstRef buffer )
Open this memory storage.
SFCError Open( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32 size )
Open this memory storage.
SFCError Open( Void )
Open this memory storage.
SFCError Read( VoidPtr buffer , UInt32Ptr size )
Read data from this memory storage without input stream.
SFCError ScheduleRead( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError ScheduleWrite( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError Seek( SInt32 distance )
Move the memory pointer by the specified amount from the current position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
SFCError SeekEnd( SInt32 distance )
Move the memory pointer by the specified amount from the end position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
SFCError SeekStart( SInt32 distance )
Move the memory pointer by the specified amount from the start position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
Void SetCluster( UInt16 size )
Set the cluster size of the internal buffer of this memory storage to the specified value. [in bytes]
Void SetThreshold( UInt16 size )
Set the minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage to the specified value. [in bytes]
UInt32 Tell( Void )
Get the current position of the memory pointer of this memory storage.
SFCError Truncate( UInt32 position )
Truncate the internal buffer of this memory storage with the specified size. [in bytes]
SFCError Write( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32Ptr size )
Write data into this memory storage without output stream.
Constants that represent the default values for the minimum size and the cluster size of the internal buffer memory. [in bytes]
CallbackSPP (inherits from SFXStorage)
Type of the callback function for the Storage class.

Constructor of the SFXMemory class.
[ public, explicit ]
[ public, explicit ]
    UInt16 threshold   // internal buffer's threshold
    UInt16 cluster     // internal buffer's cluster size 


This constructor allocates an internal buffer with the threshold and cluster specified in the threshold and cluster arguments, if they are specified. Otherwise does nothing.


SFXMemory::SetThreshold | SFXMemory::SetCluster

Destructor of the SFXMemory class.
[ public, virtual ]
virtual ~SFXMemory(Void);


This destructor calls the SFXMemory::Close function.



Convert the SFXBuffer instance internally managed by this memory storage into the SFBAStream instance.
[ public, virtual, const ]
SFCError AsSFBAStream(
    SFBAStreamSmpPtr result   // pointer to the SFBAStream instance



Specify the pointer to the SFBAStream instance.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage has been closed: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM


This function converts the SFXBuffer instance internally managed by this memory storage into the SFBAStream instance.

As a result, a pointer to the SFBAStream instance will be returned into the result argument.

[Note] Note
The contents of the memory storage can be handled through the SFBAStream instance.


SFXBuffer | SFBAStream

Convert the SFXBuffer instance internally managed by this memory storage into the SFBSource instance.
[ public, virtual, const ]
SFCError AsSFBSource(
    SFBSourceSmpPtr result   // pointer to the SFBSource instance



Specify the pointer to the SFBSource instance.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage has been closed: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM


This function converts the SFXBuffer instance internally managed by this memory storage into the SFBSource instance.

As a result, a pointer to the SFBSource instance will be returned into the result argument.

[Note] Note

This function internally calls the BREW API ISOURCEUTIL_SourceFromMemory function.

[Note] Note
The contents of the memory storage can be handled as the SFBSource instance.


SFXBuffer | SFBSource | BREW API ISOURCEUTIL_SourceFromMemory

[This function cannot be used now.]
[ public, virtual ]
Void Cancel(Void);


[This function cannot be used now.]

Close this memory stotage.
[ public ]
SFCError Close(
    SFXBufferPtr buffer   // pointer to the buffer
[ public ]
Void Close(Void);

Return value

If the buffer argument is not specified, nothing is returned.

Otherwise, an error value will be returned as follows:

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage has already been closed: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the buffer argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function closes (or finishes) this memory storage.

Concretely, this function releases the internal buffer that this memory storage internally manages.

If the buffer argument is specified, the internal buffer is copied into it before released.

[Note] Note

This function is called in the SFXMemory::~SFXMemory destructor.

[Tip] Tip

When suspending, resources should be released by calling this function.


SFXMemory::Open | SFXMemory::~SFXMemory

Get the pointer to the internal buffer of this memory storage.
[ public, const ]
VoidConstPtr GetBuffer(Void);

Return value

Pointer to the internal buffer of this memory storage.


This function gets the pointer to the internal buffer of this memory storage.

Get the cluster size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
[ public, const ]
UInt16 GetCluster(Void);

Return value

Cluster size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]


This function gets the cluster size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]


SFXMemory::SetCluster | SFXBuffer::GetCluster

Get the size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
[ public, const ]
UInt32 GetSize(Void);

Return value

  • If this memory storage is closed : 0 byte
  • If this memory storage is open: size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]


This function gets the size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]


SFXMemory::Tell | SFXMemory::Truncate

Get the input stream for reading data from this memory storage.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamReader(
    UInt32 size                 // buffer size
    SFXStreamReaderPtr result   // pointer to the input stream for reading data from memory storage
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamReader(
    SFXStreamReaderPtr result   // pointer to the input stream for reading data from memory storage

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If the memory storage is closed: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function gets the input stream for reading data from this memory storage.

If the size argument is specified, the buffer size of the input stream will be fixed with the specified value. Otherwise, the buffer size will be variable and the SFXElasticStreamReader class will be used internally.

[Tip] Tip
You have to use the SFXBinaryStreamReader, SFXAnsiStringStreamReader, or SFXWideStringStreamReader class for the input stream properly depending on the type of data to be read.


SFXMemory::GetStreamWriter | SFXBinaryStreamReader | SFXAnsiStringStreamReader | SFXWideStringStreamReader

Get the output stream for writing data onto this memory storage.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamWriter(
    UInt32 size                 // size
    SFXStreamWriterPtr result   // pointer to the output stream for writing data to memory storage
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamWriter(
    SFXStreamWriterPtr result   // pointer to the output stream for writing data to memory storage

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If the memory storage is closed: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function gets the output stream for writing data onto this memory storage.

If the size argument is specified, the buffer size of the output stream will be fixed with the specified value. Otherwise, the buffer size will be variable and the SFXElasticStreamWriter class will be used internally.

[Tip] Tip
You have to use the SFXBinaryStreamWriter, SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter, or SFXWideStringStreamWriter class for the output stream properly depending on the type of data to write.


SFXMemory::GetStreamReader | SFXBinaryStreamWriter | SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter | SFXWideStringStreamWriter

Get the minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
[ public, const ]
UInt16 GetThreshold(Void);

Return value

Minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]


This function gets the minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]


SFXMemory::SetThreshold | SFXBuffer::GetThreshold

Open this memory storage.
[ public ]
SFCError Open(
    SFXBufferConstRef buffer   // buffer to be copied
[ public ]
SFCError Open(
    VoidConstPtr buffer   // buffer to be copied
    UInt32 size           // size of the buffer to be copied
[ public ]
SFCError Open(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage has already been opened: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function opens this memory storage.

Concretely, this memory storage will be initialized so that data can be read from or written into it. If the buffer argument is specified, the specified buffer will be copied to the internal buffer of this memory storage. Otherwise, no data will be copied into the internal buffer(the internal buffer is empty and its size is 0).



Read data from this memory storage without input stream.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Read(
    VoidPtr buffer   // buffer to read data into
    UInt32Ptr size   
// before this function is called: size of the buffer to read data into; 
just after this function is returned: size of the data to be read actually




Specify the buffer to read data into.


Before calling this function, specify the size of the buffer to read data into. Just after this function is returned, the size of data to be read actually will be stored into this argument.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage is not opened with the SFXMemory::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the size argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If read position is beyond the end of this memory storage: EFILEEOF


This function reads data from this memory storage without input stream.

[Note] Prerequisite

This memory storage needs to be opened with the SFXMemory::Open function before this function is called.


SFXMemory::Open | SFXMemory::Write | SFXMemory::GetSize | SFXMemory::Seek | SFXMemory::Tell

[This function cannot be used now.]
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError ScheduleRead(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // data passed to callback function

Return value



[This function cannot be used now.]



[This function cannot be used now.]
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError ScheduleWrite(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // data passed to callback function

Return value



[This function cannot be used now.]



Move the memory pointer by the specified amount from the current position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
[ public ]
SFCError Seek(
    SInt32 distance   // moving amount

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage is not opened with the SFXMemory::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE


This function moves the memory pointer by the specified amount from the current position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]

If the memory pointer is moved by the specified amount to point to the position before the start or after the end of the internal buffer of this memory storage, it will be set to the start or the end respectively.

[Note] Note

To move the memory pointer backward, set the distance argument to a negative value as the moving amount.

[Note] Prerequisite

This memory storage needs to be opened with the SFXMemory::Open function before this function is called.


SFXMemory::SeekStart | SFXMemory::SeekEnd | SFXMemory::Open

Move the memory pointer by the specified amount from the end position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
[ public ]
SFCError SeekEnd(
    SInt32 distance   // moving amount

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage is not opened with the SFXMemory::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE


This function moves the memory pointer by the specified amount from the end position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]

If the memory pointer is moved by the specified amount to point to the position before the start or after the end of the internal buffer of this memory storage, it will be set to the start or the end respectively.

[Note] Note

To move the memory pointer backward, set negative value as moving amount to the distance argument.

[Note] Prerequisite

This memory storage needs to be opened with the SFXMemory::Open function before this function is called.


SFXMemory::Seek | SFXMemory::SeekStart | SFXMemory::Open

Move the memory pointer by the specified amount from the start position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]
[ public ]
SFCError SeekStart(
    SInt32 distance   // moving amount

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage is not opened with the SFXMemory::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE


This function moves the memory pointer by the specified amount from the start position of the internal buffer of this memory storage. [in bytes]

If the memory pointer is moved by the specified amount to point to the position before the start or after the end of the internal buffer of this memory storage, it will be set to the start or the end respectively.

[Note] Note

To move the memory pointer backward, set negative value as moving amount to the distance argument.

[Note] Prerequisite

This memory storage needs to be opened with the SFXMemory::Open function before this function is called.


SFXMemory::Seek | SFXMemory::SeekEnd | SFXMemory::Open

Set the cluster size of the internal buffer of this memory storage to the specified value. [in bytes]
[ public ]
Void SetCluster(
    UInt16 size   // cluster size


This function sets the minimum unit, i.e., cluster size, to allocate to the internal buffer(SFXBuffer) of this memory storage to the specified value. [in bytes]

Default: SFXMemory::DEFAULT_CLUSTER bytes

For the value of SFXMemory::DEFAULT_CLUSTER, see SFXMemory::DefaultEnum.


SFXMemory::GetCluster | SFXMemory::DefaultEnum | SFXBuffer::SetCluster | SFXBuffer

Set the minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage to the specified value. [in bytes]
[ public ]
Void SetThreshold(
    UInt16 size   // minimum value to be set


This function sets the minimum memory of the internal buffer(SFXBuffer) of this memory storage to the specified value. [in bytes]

Default: SFXMemory::DEFAULT_THRESHOLD bytes

For the value of SFXMemory::DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, see SFXMemory::DefaultEnum.


SFXMemory::GetThreshold | SFXMemory::DefaultEnum | SFXBuffer::SetThreshold | SFXBuffer

Get the current position of the memory pointer of this memory storage.
[ public, const ]
UInt32 Tell(Void);

Return value

  • If this memory storage is opened: current position of the memory pointer of this memory storage
  • If this memory storage is closed: 0


This function gets the current position of the memory pointer of this memory storage.


SFXMemory::Seek | SFXMemory::Truncate

Truncate the internal buffer of this memory storage with the specified size. [in bytes]
[ public ]
SFCError Truncate(
    UInt32 position   // size

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage is not opened with the SFXMemory::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function truncates the internal buffer of this memory storage with the specified size. [in bytes]

The memory pointer will be moved to the end position of the truncated internal buffer of this memory storage when the current pointer is beyond the end position.

[Note] Prerequisite

This memory storage needs to be opened with the SFXMemory::Open function before this function is called.


SFXMemory::Seek | SFXMemory::Tell | SFXMemory::Open

Write data into this memory storage without output stream.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Write(
    VoidConstPtr buffer   // buffer to write data into
    UInt32Ptr size        
// before this function is called: size of the buffer to write data into; 
just after this function is returned: size of the data to be written actually




Specify the buffer to write data into.


Before calling this function, specify the size of the buffer to write data into. Just after this function is returned, the size of data to be written into the buffer actually will be stored into this argument.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this memory storage is not opened with the SFXMemory::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the size argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM


This function writes data into this memory storage without output stream.

[Note] Prerequisite

This memory storage needs to be opened with the SFXMemory::Open function before this function is called.


SFXMemory::Open | SFXMemory::Read | SFXMemory::GetSize | SFXMemory::Seek | SFXMemory::Tell

Constants that represent the default values for the minimum size and the cluster size of the internal buffer memory. [in bytes]
enum DefaultEnum {
    DEFAULT_THRESHOLD  = SFXBuffer::DEFAULT_THRESHOLD,    // default minimum size of the internal buffer of this memory storage [in bytes]
    DEFAULT_CLUSTER    = SFXBuffer::DEFAULT_CLUSTER       // default cluster size to allocate to the internal buffer of this memory storage [in bytes]


DEFAULT_THRESHOLD and DEFAULT_CLUSTER are the constants that represent the default values for the minimum size and the cluster size of the internal buffer(SFXBuffer) of this memory storage. [in bytes]


SFXMemory::SetCluster | SFXMemory::SetThreshold | SFXBuffer | SFXBuffer::DefaultEnum