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24.12. Other Utilities

Table 24.5. Mathematical Operations

Class Name Description
SFXBrewRandom CClass which generates a random number using the random number generation function of BREW API
SFXLCGRandom Class which generates a random number using the Linear Congruential Generator method(LCG method).
SFXMTRandom Class which generates a random number using the Mersenne Twister method(MT method).
SFXTrigonometric Class which performs high-speed trigonometric calculations using the trigonometric table.

Table 24.6. Other Utilities

Class Name Description
SFXBrewPointer Smart pointer template for the BREW interface.
SFXCallback Class for dealing with the callback.
SFXConfig Class which manages various application settings.
SFXDate Class which represents a date.
SFXDateDuration Class which represents a date duration.
SFXDevice Class which makes the AEEDeviceInfo structure easy to use.
SFXEndian Class for converting the endian.
SFXEvent Class which represents an event.
SFXGraphics Class for drawing a diagram or a text.
SFXHelper Class that wrapped BREW helper functions.
SFXProperty Class which manages several pairs of string key and its string value.
SFXTask Class for dealing with the task.
SFXTimer Class for dealing with the timer.
static_exception Template class which implements the pseudo-exception handling.
va_ref Template class which implements call-by-reference on variable-length argument function.