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24.11. SOAP / XML

Table 24.1. Class to create or update the DOM tree

Class Name Base / Derived Description
SFXXMLNode Base Base class which represents a DOM Node.
SFXXMLElement Derived Class which represents an Element node.
SFXXMLAttribute Derived Class which represents an Attribute node.
SFXXMLText Derived Class which represents a Text node.
SFXXMLCDATASection Derived Class which represents a CDATASection node.
SFXXMLEntityReference Derived Class which represents an EntityReference node.
SFXXMLEntity Derived Class which represents an Entity node.
SFXXMLProcessingInstruction Derived Class which represents a ProcessingInstruction node.
SFXXMLComment Derived Class which represents a Comment node.
SFXXMLDocument Derived Class which represents a Document node.
SFXXMLDocumentType Derived Class which represents a DocumentType node.
SFXXMLDocumentFragment Derived Class which represents a DocumentFragment node.
SFXXMLNotation Derived Class which represents a Notation node.

Table 24.2. XML Parser ( DOM Parser and SAX Parser )

Class Name Description
SFXXMLDOMParser Class for parsing the XML document using the DOM method.
SFXXMLSAXParser Class for parsing the XML document using the SAX method.
SFXXMLDefaultHandler Base class for implementing the event handlers for the SAX Parser.

Table 24.3. DTD and XMLSchema

Class Name Description
SFXXMLGrammar Base class of grammars such as DTD or XML Schema.

Table 24.4. SOAP and WSDL

Class Name Description
SFXSOAPParser Class that parses a SOAP message using the DOM method.
SFXSOAPWriter Class for creating a SOAP message.
SFXSOAPRPC Class for processing the SOAP-RPC protocol.
SFXSOAPServiceProxy Class which creates a proxy and implements dynamic binding by using WSDL.