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Responder which represents a combobox control.
#include <SFRComboboxControl.hpp>
class SFRComboboxControl : public SFRButtonBase;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFRComboboxControlClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFRComboboxControlClass


The combobox control is used to select an item in the list.

The combobox control can display the string of the title, and set the color of selected part with SFRComboboxControl::ColorEnum.

Access key can be also specified.

The code to use the combobox control is as below:

class UserClass : public SFRPlainWindow {
  // the constructor etc. is omitted
    Void  Main  (Void);

Void UserClass::Main(Void)
  SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
  SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

  combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));
  combobox->RegisterHandler(SREVT_CONTROL, HANDLER_BEFORE, HANDLER_FUNCTION(ComboboxHandler));
  // specify the access key of item1
  combobox->SetAccessKey(0, AVK_1, 0x69F7);
  // set the color of combo-box
  // use the default color if there is no color setting
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_LIGHT, SFXRGBColor(0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x00));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_BASE, SFXRGBColor(0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x00));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_SHADOW, SFXRGBColor(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_TITLE, SFXRGBColor(0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x00));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_LIGHT, SFXRGBColor(0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x00));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_BASE, SFXRGBColor(0x66, 0x66, 0x6, 0x006));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_SHADOW, SFXRGBColor(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00));
  combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_TITLE, SFXRGBColor(0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x00));

HANDLER_IMPLEMENT_VOIDCONTROL(UserClass, ComboboxHandler, result, control) {
  // this handler runs when the menu of combo-box is selected


SFRResponder | SFRApplication | SFRWindow | SFRDialog | SFRControl | Combo Box


SFRComboboxControl( SFRResponderPtr director , SFXRectangleConstRef rect , SFXWideStringConstPtr item , SInt16 limit , BehaviorType behavior = BEHAVIOR_SFRCOMBOBOXCONTROL , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_SFRCOMBOBOXCONTROL )
Constructor of the SFRComboboxControl class.
~SFRComboboxControl( Void )
Destructor of the SFRComboboxControl class.
Public Functions
SFCError AppendItem( SFXWideStringConstPtr item , SInt16 limit )
Append the specified items onto the combobox menu.
SFCError AppendItem( SFXWideStringConstRef title , UInt16 key , WChar icon = 0x0000 )
Append the specified items onto the combobox menu.
Void ClearItem( Void )
Clear the combobox, delete all items.
UInt16 GetAccessKey( SInt16 index )
Get the registered access key of the item.
SFXRGBColorConstRef GetColor( ColorType index )
Get the color.
AEEFont GetFont( Void )
Get the font.
SFXWideString GetTitle( SInt16 index )
Get the title of item.
SInt16 GetValue( Void )
Get the current value.
Void RemoveItem( SInt16 index )
This function remove an item from the combo-box menu.
Void SetAccessKey( SInt16 index , UInt16 key , WChar icon = 0x0000 )
Set the access key of item.
Void SetBaseBound( SFXRectangleConstRef rect )
Set the base region with the coordinate of virtual region of parent responder.
Void SetColor( ColorType index , SFXRGBColorConstRef color )
Set the color.
Void SetFont( AEEFont font )
Set the font.
SFCError SetItem( SFXWideStringConstPtr item , SInt16 limit )
Set the specified items.
Void SetItem( SInt16 index , SFXWideStringConstRef title , UInt16 key , WChar icon = 0x0000 )
Set the specified items.
Void SetTitle( SInt16 index , SFXWideStringConstRef title )
Set the title of item.
Void SetValue( SInt16 value )
Set the current value of combobox.
Bool ClearHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Clear the " Targeted " status of responder, or destroy the responder.
Bool Compare( SFCType type , SFCType attribute , BehaviorType behavior ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Compare with type, attribute and behavior.
Bool FocusDown( Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Focus down to the next responder.
Bool FocusDownHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Focus down to the next responder.
Bool FocusLeft( Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Focus left to the next responder.
Bool FocusLeftHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Focus left to the next responder.
Bool FocusNext( Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Focus to the next sibling responder.
Bool FocusNextHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Focus to the next sibling responder.
Bool FocusPrevious( Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Focus to the previous sibling responder.
Bool FocusPreviousHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Focus to the previous sibling responder.
Bool FocusRight( Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Focus right to the next responder.
Bool FocusRightHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Focus right to the next responder.
Bool FocusUp( Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Focus up to the next responder.
Bool FocusUpHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Focus up to the next responder.
SFCType GetAttribute( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the attribute.
SFRResponderPtr GetBack( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the child responder at the most background that matches the specified search condition.
SFXRectangleConstRef GetBaseBound( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the base region with the coordinate of content region of parent responder.
SFXRectangle GetBaseWorld( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the base region.
SFXRectangleConstRef GetContentBound( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the content region with the coordinate of base region.
SFXRectangle GetContentWorld( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the content region.
SFRResponderPtr GetDirector( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the parent responder.
SFRResponderPtr GetFocus( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the responder with focus in its ownership hierarchy.
SFXMargin GetFrameMargin( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the margin between base and content region(in pixels).
SFRResponderPtr GetFront( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE | STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the child responder at the most foreground that matches the specified search condition.
SInt16 GetIndexBackward( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the index number from the most background of responder that matches the specified search condition.
SInt16 GetIndexForward( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the index number from the most foreground of responder that matches the specified search condition.
Bool GetInheritEnable( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the " Enable / Disable " status of responder including its parent responders.
Bool GetInheritFocus( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the " Focused / Unfocused " status of responder including its parent responders.
Bool GetInheritTarget( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the " Target / Not-Target " status of responder including its parent responders.
Bool GetInheritVisible( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the " Visible / Invisible " status of responder including its parent responders.
SFRResponderPtr GetLeft( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the previous responder among the grouped responders that matches the specified search condition.
SInt16 GetMoveInterval( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the move interval in pixels.
SInt16 GetMoveMargin( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the margin pixels of content region ( or virtual region if set with the parent responder ) where the child responder cannot move.
SFRResponderPtr GetNext( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE , Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the next sibling responder that matches the specified search condition.
SFRResponderPtr GetNthBackward( SInt16 index , SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the Nth child responder from the most background that matches the specified search condition.
SFRResponderPtr GetNthForward( SInt16 index , SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the Nth child responder from the most foreground that matches the specified search condition.
SFRResponderPtr GetPrevious( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE , Bool repeat = true ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the previous sibling responder that matches the specified search condition.
VoidPtr GetReference( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the reference value.
SFRResponderPtr GetRight( SFCType type = TYPE_WILDCARD , SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD , BehaviorType compare = STATUS_VISIBLE|STATUS_ENABLE ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the next responder among the grouped responders that matches the specified search condition.
SInt16 GetScrollInterval( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the scroll interval in pixels.
Bool GetStatusEnable( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of " Enable / Disable " flag.
Bool GetStatusFocus( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of " Focused / Unfocused " flag.
Bool GetStatusTarget( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of " Target / Non-target " flag.
Bool GetStatusVisible( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of " Visible / Invisible " flag.
SFXGrid GetTranslate( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the origin coordinate of virtual region with the coordinate of content region.
SInt16 GetTravelMargin( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the margin pixels of content region inside which the rectangle in the virtual region but outside the content region should be automatically scrolled by using the SFRResponder::Travel function.
SFCType GetType( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the responder type.
SFXRectangleConstRef GetVirtualBound( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the virtual region with the coordinate of content region.
SFXRectangle GetVirtualWorld( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the virtual region
Void Group( SFRResponderPtr with ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Group the responder with the group of which representative responder is specified as an argument.
Void GroupMove( SFXSizeConstRef size ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Move all the responders grouped together.
Void GroupScroll( SFXSizeConstRef size ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Scroll all the virtual regions of responders grouped together.
Void GroupSelect( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Select all the responders grouped together. ( move all of them to the most foreground )
Void GroupStatusEnable( Bool enable ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the " Enable / Disable " status of all the responders grouped together.
Void GroupStatusVisible( Bool visible ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the " Visible / Invisible " status of all the responders grouped together.
Void InvalidateBase( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Register an area in the base region to be redrawn.
Void InvalidateBase( SFXRectangleConstRef rect ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Register an area in the base region to be redrawn.
Void InvalidateContent( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Register an area in the content region to be redrawn.
Void InvalidateContent( SFXRectangleConstRef rect ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Register an area in the content region to be redrawn.
Void InvalidateVirtual( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Register an area in the virtual region to be redrawn.
Void InvalidateVirtual( SFXRectangleConstRef rect ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Register an area in the virtual region to be redrawn.
Bool Invoke( SFXEventConstRef event ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Send the specified event.
Void Move( SFXSizeConstRef size ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Move the responder.
Bool MoveDownHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Move the responder down.
Bool MoveLeftHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Move the responder left.
Bool MoveRightHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Move the responder right.
Bool MoveUpHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Move the responder up.
SFCError RegisterHandler( HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterHandler( SFCEventEnum type , HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterHandler( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 p16 , HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterHandler( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 bp16 , UInt16 ep16 , HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterHandler( SFCEventEnum btype , SFCEventEnum etype , HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterHandler( SFCEventEnum btype , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 p16 , HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterHandler( SFCEventEnum btype , SFCEventEnum etype , UInt16 bp16 , UInt16 ep16 , HandlerEnum timing , SFRHandlerSPP spp , VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Register a handler.
SFCError RegisterTracer( BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
SFCError RegisterTracer( SFCEventEnum type , BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
SFCError RegisterTracer( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 p16 , BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
SFCError RegisterTracer( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 bgnP16 , UInt16 endP16 , BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
SFCError RegisterTracer( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
SFCError RegisterTracer( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 p16 , BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
SFCError RegisterTracer( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 bgnP16 , UInt16 endP16 , BehaviorType behavior , TracerEnum trace ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Register the tracer.
Void Scroll( SFXSizeConstRef size ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Scroll the virtual region.
Bool ScrollDownHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Scroll the virtual region down.
Bool ScrollLeftHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Scroll the virtual region left.
Bool ScrollRightHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Scroll the virtual region right.
Bool ScrollUpHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Scroll the virtual region up.
Void Select( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Select the responder and move it to the most foreground.
Bool SelectHandler( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
[Handler] Set the target status of a responder to true.
Void SetContentBound( SFXRectangleConstRef rect ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Set the content region with the base region coordinate. [This function is not available.]
Void SetFrameMargin( SFXMarginConstRef param ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the margin between base and content region(in pixels).
Void SetMoveInterval( SInt16 interval ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the move interval in pixels.
Void SetMoveMargin( SInt16 margin ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the margin pixels of content region ( or virtual region if set with the parent responder ) where the child responder cannot move.
Void SetReference( VoidPtr ref ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the reference value.
Void SetScrollInterval( SInt16 interval ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the scroll interval in pixels.
Void SetStatusEnable( Bool enable ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the value of " Enable / Disable " flag.
Void SetStatusFocus( Bool focus ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the value of " Focused / Unfocused " flag.
Void SetStatusTarget( Bool target ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the value of " Target / Not-Target " flag.
Void SetStatusVisible( Bool visible ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the value of " Visible / Invisible " flag.
Void SetTranslate( SFXGridConstRef point ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the origin coordinate of virtual region with the coordinate of content region.
Void SetTravelMargin( SInt16 margin ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Set the margin pixels of content region inside which the rectangle in the virtual region but outside the content region should be automatically scrolled by using the SFRResponder::Travel function.
Void SetVirtualBound( SFXRectangleConstRef rect ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Set the virtual region with the content region coordinate. [This function is not available.]
Void Travel( SFXRectangleConstRef rect ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Scroll the virtual region of responder so that the specified rectangle can get into the content region.
Void Ungroup( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Ungroup the responders which are grouped together.
Void UnregisterHandler( HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterHandler( SFCEventEnum type , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterHandler( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 p16 , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterHandler( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 bgnP16 , UInt16 endP16 , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterHandler( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterHandler( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 p16 , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterHandler( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 bgnP16 , UInt16 endP16 , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Unregister the registered handler.
Void UnregisterTracer( Void ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Void UnregisterTracer( SFCEventEnum type ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Void UnregisterTracer( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 p16 ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Void UnregisterTracer( SFCEventEnum type , UInt16 bgnP16 , UInt16 endP16 ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Void UnregisterTracer( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Void UnregisterTracer( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 p16 ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Void UnregisterTracer( SFCEventEnum bgnType , SFCEventEnum endType , UInt16 bgnP16 , UInt16 endP16 ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Unregister the tracer.
Protected Functions
Bool GetAppearanceTransparent( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of APPEARANCE_TRANSPARENT flag.
Bool GetPropertyClosable( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of PROPERTY_CLOSABLE flag.
Bool GetPropertyDirect( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of PROPERTY_DIRECT flag.
Bool GetPropertyMovable( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of PROPERTY_MOVABLE flag.
Bool GetPropertyScrollable( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of PROPERTY_SCROLLABLE flag.
Bool GetPropertySelect( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of PROPERTY_SELECT flag.
Bool GetPropertyTravel( Void ) (inherits from SFRResponder)
Get the value of PROPERTY_TRAVEL flag.
Bool GetStatusPress( Void ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Get whether the key is pressed.
Void HandleContent( SFXGraphicsPtr graphic ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Draw the content region.
Void HandlePress( Void ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Run when the key is pressed.
Void HandleRelease( Void ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Run when the key is released.
Void InvalidateButton( Void ) (inherits from SFRButtonBase)
Register the button region as update region.
HandlerRecConstPtr SearchHandler( SFXEventConstRef event , HandlerEnum timing ) (inherits from SFRHandler)
Search for the handler that matches the specified event.
TracerRecConstPtr SearchTracer( SFXEventConstRef event ) (inherits from SFRTracer)
Search for the tracer that matches the specified event.
Constant that represents a specific part.
BehaviorEnum (inherits from SFRControl)
Constant that represents the behavior of control.
HandlerEnum (inherits from SFRHandler)
Constant that represents the timing to call the handler.
SFRHandlerSPP (inherits from SFRHandler)
Type of the callback function.
TracerEnum (inherits from SFRTracer)
Constant that represents the trace order.
TracerTraceMPP (inherits from SFRTracer)
Type of the callback function.

Constructor of the SFRComboboxControl class.
[ public ]
    SFRResponderPtr director                              // parent responder
    SFXRectangleConstRef rect                             // base bound
    SFXWideStringConstPtr item                            // matrix of item string
    SInt16 limit                                          // limit of the number of the item string
    BehaviorType behavior = BEHAVIOR_SFRCOMBOBOXCONTROL   // behavior
    SFCType attribute = ATTRIBUTE_SFRCOMBOBOXCONTROL      // attribute


Create a check-box control, register the handler that the menu of combo-box is selected.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));
combobox->RegisterHandler(SREVT_CONTROL, HANDLER_BEFORE, HANDLER_FUNCTION(ComboboxHandler));



Destructor of the SFRComboboxControl class.
[ public, virtual ]



Append the specified items onto the combobox menu.
[ public ]
SFCError AppendItem(
    SFXWideStringConstPtr item   // matrix of items
    SInt16 limit                 // limit of the number of items
[ public ]
SFCError AppendItem(
    SFXWideStringConstRef title   // title string
    UInt16 key                    // key code
    WChar icon = 0x0000           // icon


Append items onto the combobox, and add one more item onto it.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), null, 0);
combobox->AppendItem(item, lengthof(item));
combobox->AppendItem("appended", AVK_9, 0x69F7);



Clear the combobox, delete all items.
[ public ]
Void ClearItem(Void);


The value of combobox is set to 0.


Delete all items in the combobox menu.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));



Get the registered access key of the item.
[ public, const ]
UInt16 GetAccessKey(
    SInt16 index   // index


The access key is as same as the key code in BREW.

If the access key is not set, AVK_UNDEFINED will be returned.



Get the color.
[ public, const ]
SFXRGBColorConstRef GetColor(
    ColorType index   // palette index



Specify the palette index of SFRComboboxControl::ColorEnum type.


The behavior is not defined when the specified palette index is invalid.


Get the base color of the button.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXRGBColor            color;

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), null, 0);
color = combobox->GetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_BASE);


SFRComboboxControl::SetColor | SFRComboboxControl::ColorEnum

Get the font.
[ public, const ]
AEEFont GetFont(Void);



Get the title of item.
[ public, const ]
SFXWideString GetTitle(
    SInt16 index   // index



Get the current value.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetValue(Void);


The value is 0-based.



This function remove an item from the combo-box menu.
[ public ]
Void RemoveItem(
    SInt16 index   // index


Remove a registered item from combo-box menu.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));



Set the access key of item.
[ public ]
Void SetAccessKey(
    SInt16 index          // index
    UInt16 key            // key code
    WChar icon = 0x0000   // icon


The access key is as same as the key code in BREW.

The icon can be displayed on the left of the string when menu is shown.


Set the access key and the icon of the item.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));
combobox->SetAccessKey(0, AVK_1, 0x69F7);



Set the base region with the coordinate of virtual region of parent responder.
[ public, virtual ]
Void SetBaseBound(
    SFXRectangleConstRef rect   // base region


Create a combo-box at the coordinate ( 5 , 5 , 48 , 16 ) in base region, and modify it into (10 , 10 , 96 , 16 )

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), null, 0);
combobox->SetBaseBound(SFXRectangle(10, 10, 96, 16));


SFRResponder::GetBaseBound | SFRResponder::SetBaseBound

Set the color.
[ public ]
Void SetColor(
    ColorType index             // palette index
    SFXRGBColorConstRef color   // color



Specify the palette index of SFRComboboxControl::ColorEnum type.


Specify the color.


The behavior is not defined when the specified palette index is invalid.


Set the color of combo-box to black.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), null, 0);
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_LIGHT, SFXRGBColor(0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x00));
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_BASE, SFXRGBColor(0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x00));
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_SHADOW, SFXRGBColor(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00));
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_BUTTON_TITLE, SFXRGBColor(0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x00));

combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_LIGHT, SFXRGBColor(0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x00));
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_BASE, SFXRGBColor(0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x00));
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_SHADOW, SFXRGBColor(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00));
combobox->SetColor(SFRComboboxControl::COLOR_MENU_TITLE, SFXRGBColor(0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x00));


SFRComboboxControl::GetColor | SFRComboboxControl::ColorEnum

Set the font.
[ public ]
Void SetFont(
    AEEFont font   // font


Set the title font of the combo-box.


Set the title text into bold.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), null, 0);



Set the specified items.
[ public ]
SFCError SetItem(
    SFXWideStringConstPtr item   // matrix of items
    SInt16 limit                 // limit of the number of items
[ public ]
Void SetItem(
    SInt16 index                  // index
    SFXWideStringConstRef title   // title string
    UInt16 key                    // key code
    WChar icon = 0x0000           // icon


Set the items, and modify 1 of them.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), null, 0);
combobox->SetItem(item, lengthof(item));
combobox->SetItem(0, "changed", AVK_1, 0x69F7);


SFRComboboxControl::GetTitle | SFRComboboxControl::GetAccessKey | SFRComboboxControl::AppendItem

Set the title of item.
[ public ]
Void SetTitle(
    SInt16 index                  // index
    SFXWideStringConstRef title   // title string


Modify the title of an item.

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));
combobox->SetTitle(0, "changed");



Set the current value of combobox.
[ public ]
Void SetValue(
    SInt16 value   // value


The value is 0-based.


Set the value of combobox to 1.(The status of combobox can be changed to "item2" if selected.)

SFRComboboxControlPtr  combobox;
SFXWideString          item[]  = {"item1", "item2", "item3"};

combobox = new SFRComboboxControl(window, SFXRectangle(5, 5, 48, 16), item, lengthof(item));



Constant that represents a specific part.
enum ColorEnum {
  COLOR_BUTTON_BASE  = 0,  // inside the combobox control
  COLOR_BUTTON_LIGHT,      // top and left edges of combobox control
  COLOR_BUTTON_SHADOW,     // bottom and right edges of combobox control
  COLOR_BUTTON_TITLE,      // title texts in the combobox control
  COLOR_MENU_BASE,         // inside the menu part of combobox control
  COLOR_MENU_LIGHT,        // top and left edges of menu of combobox control
  COLOR_MENU_SHADOW,       // bottom and right edges of menu of combobox control
  COLOR_MENU_TITLE         // title texts in the item of combobox control



SFRComboboxControl::ColorEnum is used to set or get the color of specific part of SFRComboboxControl object.


SFRComboboxControl::SetColor | SFRComboboxControl::GetColor