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Wrapper Class for the pim_IMessageStore interface.
#include <SFBPimMessageStore.h.hpp>
class SFBPimMessageStore : public SFBQuery;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFBPimMessageStoreClass


BREW 2.0 BREW 2.1 BREW 3.1 BREW 4.0


BREW API pim_IMessageStore


Public Functions
SFCError AddFolder( ACharConstPtr attribute , MsgFolderIDPtr folderID )
If user-defined folders are supported, this function creates a new user-defined folder in the store.
SFCError AddFolder( SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute , MsgFolderIDPtr folderID )
If user-defined folders are supported, this function creates a new user-defined folder in the store.
SFCError AddMsg( UInt08ConstPtr message , SInt32 length , ACharConstPtr attribute , MessageIDPtr msgID )
Add a new message to a speficied folder.
SFCError AddMsg( SFXBufferConstRef message , SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute , MessageIDPtr msgID )
Add a new message to a speficied folder.
SFCError DeleteFolder( MsgFolderID folderID )
If user-defined folders are supported, this function deletes a folder from the store.
SFCError DeleteMsg( MessageID msgID )
Delete the specified messages from the store.
SFCError GetFolderInfo( MsgFolderID folderID , ACharPtr attribute , SInt32 attrLen , SInt32Ptr attrLenreq )
Get the folder information stored in the folder attribute string.
SFCError GetFolderInfo( MsgFolderID folderID , SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute )
Get the folder information stored in the folder attribute string.
SFCError GetMsgIDsbyFolder( MsgFolderID folderID , MessageIDPtr msgIDs , SInt32 msgIDsLen , SInt32Ptr msgIDsLenreq )
SFCError GetSubFolderIDs( MsgFolderID folderID , MsgFolderIDPtr subFolderIDs , SInt32 subFolderIDsLen , SInt32Ptr subFolderIDsLenreq )
Get the list of identifiers for all the direct subfolder in the given folder.
SFCError GetSupportedFolderAttrs( ACharPtr attribute , SInt32 attrStrLen , SInt32Ptr attrLenreq )
Return all the supported folder attributes' key and their enumerable values in a key-value pair (separated by ';'), x-www-form-urlencoded string.
SFCError GetSupportedFolderAttrs( SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute )
Return all the supported folder attributes' key and their enumerable values in a key-value pair (separated by ';'), x-www-form-urlencoded string.
SFCError GetSupportedMsgAttrs( ACharPtr attribute , SInt32 attrLen , SInt32Ptr attrLenreq )
Return all the supported message attributes' key and their enumerable values in a key-value pair (separated by ';'), x-www-form-urlencoded string.
SFCError GetSupportedMsgAttrs( SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute )
Return all the supported message attributes' key and their enumerable values in a key-value pair (separated by ';'), x-www-form-urlencoded string.
NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBPimMessageStore instance.
NewInstance( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBPimMessageStore instance.
SFCError ReadMsg( MessageID msgID , UInt08Ptr message , SInt32 msgLen , SInt32Ptr msgLenreq , ACharPtr attribute , SInt32 attrLen , SInt32Ptr attrLenreq )
Get the entire binary encoded OTA message and/or associated message attribute information in the attribute string for a given message ID.
SFCError ReadMsg( MessageID msgID , SFXBufferPtr message , SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute )
Get the entire binary encoded OTA message and/or associated message attribute information in the attribute string for a given message ID.
SFCError UpdateFolder( MsgFolderID folderID , ACharConstPtr attribute )
If user-defined folders are supported, this function updates the specified folder's attributes.
SFCError UpdateFolder( MsgFolderID folderID , SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute )
If user-defined folders are supported, this function updates the specified folder's attributes.
SFCError UpdateMsg( MessageID msgID , UInt08ConstPtr message , SInt32 msgLen , ACharConstPtr attribute )
Update a message in the store. Note that OTA message part and the attribute string can be updated separately because neither part can be empty for a valid message.
SFCError UpdateMsg( MessageID msgID , SFXBufferConstRef message , SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute )
Update a message in the store. Note that OTA message part and the attribute string can be updated separately because neither part can be empty for a valid message.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , VoidHandle handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , SFBBaseSmpPtr handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFBBaseSmp QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
Void Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , SFBQuerySmpPtr clone , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
SFBQuerySmp Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
Protected Functions
FactoryByCreate( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface.
FactoryByQuery( SFBQuerySmpConstRef query , AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface using the SFBQuery instance.
Aliased Constants.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.

If user-defined folders are supported, this function creates a new user-defined folder in the store.
[ public ]
SFCError AddFolder(
    ACharConstPtr attribute   // null-terminated folder attribute string
    MsgFolderIDPtr folderID   // assigned FolderID for the newly created folder
[ public ]
SFCError AddFolder(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute   // folder attribute string
    MsgFolderIDPtr folderID           // assigned FolderID for the newly created folder


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_AddFolder | SFBPimMessageStore::MsgFolderID

Add a new message to a speficied folder.
[ public ]
SFCError AddMsg(
    UInt08ConstPtr message    // pointer to the buffer storing the OTA message
    SInt32 length             // the length of the message buffer in byte
    ACharConstPtr attribute   // null-terminated message attribute string
    MessageIDPtr msgID        // message ID assigned to the new meesage that can be used to identify the message later
[ public ]
SFCError AddMsg(
    SFXBufferConstRef message         // the buffer storing the OTA message
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute   // message attribute string
    MessageIDPtr msgID                // message ID assigned to the new meesage that can be used to identify the message later


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_AddMsg | SFBPimMessageStore::MessageID

If user-defined folders are supported, this function deletes a folder from the store.
[ public ]
SFCError DeleteFolder(
    MsgFolderID folderID   // folder ID identifying the folder to be deleted


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_DeleteFolder | SFBPimMessageStore::MsgFolderID

Delete the specified messages from the store.
[ public ]
SFCError DeleteMsg(
    MessageID msgID   // message ID identifying the meesage to be deleted


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_DeleteMsg | SFBPimMessageStore::MessageID

Get the folder information stored in the folder attribute string.
[ public ]
SFCError GetFolderInfo(
    MsgFolderID folderID   // folder ID to identify the folder
    ACharPtr attribute     // pointer to a buffer used to store the requested folder attribute string
    SInt32 attrLen         // the size of the buffer
    SInt32Ptr attrLenreq   // the required size to store the entire folder attribute string
[ public ]
SFCError GetFolderInfo(
    MsgFolderID folderID         // folder ID to identify the folder
    SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute   // buffer used to store the requested folder attribute string


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_GetFolderInfo | SFBPimMessageStore::MsgFolderID

[ public ]
SFCError GetMsgIDsbyFolder(
    MsgFolderID folderID     // unique folder ID identifing the folder
    MessageIDPtr msgIDs      // pointer to an array of MessageID storing the IDs of the messages in the specified folder
    SInt32 msgIDsLen         // the length (number of the elements) in the array
    SInt32Ptr msgIDsLenreq   // required array length to store all the returned message IDs


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_GetMsgIDsbyFolder | SFBPimMessageStore::MsgFolderID | SFBPimMessageStore::MessageID

Get the list of identifiers for all the direct subfolder in the given folder.
[ public ]
SFCError GetSubFolderIDs(
    MsgFolderID folderID           // folder ID to identify the folder
    MsgFolderIDPtr subFolderIDs    // array of MsgFolderID to store the subfolder IDs
    SInt32 subFolderIDsLen         // number of the elements in array
    SInt32Ptr subFolderIDsLenreq   // required minimum array elements to store all the subfolder IDs in the folder


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_GetSubFolderIDs | SFBPimMessageStore::MsgFolderID

Return all the supported folder attributes' key and their enumerable values in a key-value pair (separated by ';'), x-www-form-urlencoded string.
[ public ]
SFCError GetSupportedFolderAttrs(
    ACharPtr attribute     // null-terminated key-value pair attribute string
    SInt32 attrStrLen      // the length of the attribute string buffer
    SInt32Ptr attrLenreq   // the required length to store the entire attribute string
[ public ]
SFCError GetSupportedFolderAttrs(
    SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute   // key-value pair attribute string


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_GetSupportedFolderAttrs

Return all the supported message attributes' key and their enumerable values in a key-value pair (separated by ';'), x-www-form-urlencoded string.
[ public ]
SFCError GetSupportedMsgAttrs(
    ACharPtr attribute     // null-terminated key-value pair attribute string
    SInt32 attrLen         // the length of the attribute string buffer
    SInt32Ptr attrLenreq   // the required length to store the entire attribute string
[ public ]
SFCError GetSupportedMsgAttrs(
    SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute   // key-value pair attribute string


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_GetSupportedMsgAttrs

Create a new SFBPimMessageStore instance.
[ public, static ]
SFBPimMessageStoreSmp NewInstance(
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error
[ public, static ]
SFBPimMessageStoreSmp NewInstance(
    AEECLSID id                    // Class ID
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error

Get the entire binary encoded OTA message and/or associated message attribute information in the attribute string for a given message ID.
[ public ]
SFCError ReadMsg(
    MessageID msgID        // message ID to identify the message in the store
    UInt08Ptr message      // pointer to a buffer used to store the message in OTA format
    SInt32 msgLen          // length of the message buffer in byte
    SInt32Ptr msgLenreq    // the required buffer length to store the entire OTA message
    ACharPtr attribute     // pointer to the attribute string buffer
    SInt32 attrLen         // the size of the attribute string buffer
    SInt32Ptr attrLenreq   // the required size to store the entire attribute string
[ public ]
SFCError ReadMsg(
    MessageID msgID              // message ID to identify the message in the store
    SFXBufferPtr message         // a buffer used to store the message in OTA format
    SFXAnsiStringPtr attribute   // the attribute string buffer


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_ReadMsg | SFBPimMessageStore::MessageID

If user-defined folders are supported, this function updates the specified folder's attributes.
[ public ]
SFCError UpdateFolder(
    MsgFolderID folderID      // unique identifier for the folder that needs to be updated
    ACharConstPtr attribute   // new folder attribute string
[ public ]
SFCError UpdateFolder(
    MsgFolderID folderID              // unique identifier for the folder that needs to be updated
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute   // new folder attribute string


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_UpdateFolder | SFBPimMessageStore::MsgFolderID

Update a message in the store. Note that OTA message part and the attribute string can be updated separately because neither part can be empty for a valid message.
[ public ]
SFCError UpdateMsg(
    MessageID msgID           // message ID to identify the message to be updated. 
    UInt08ConstPtr message    // pointer to the message buffer storing the new OTA message
    SInt32 msgLen             // the length of the message buffer in byte
    ACharConstPtr attribute   // new attribute stirng
[ public ]
SFCError UpdateMsg(
    MessageID msgID                   // message ID to identify the message to be updated. 
    SFXBufferConstRef message         // the message buffer storing the new OTA message
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef attribute   // new attribute stirng


BREW API pim_IMessageStore_UpdateMsg | SFBPimMessageStore::MessageID

Aliased Constants.
enum AliasEnum {
    EBASE               = pim_IMessageStore_EBASE,
    EINVALIDMSGID       = pim_IMessageStore_EINVALIDMSGID,
    FOLDER_ID_ROOT      = pim_IMessageStore_FOLDER_ID_ROOT

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_FolderAttrStr, FolderAttrStr)


BREW API pim_IMessageStoreUtil_FolderAttrStr

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_Message, Message)


BREW API pim_IMessageStoreUtil_Message

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MessageID, MessageID)


BREW API pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MessageID

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MessageIDs, MessageIDs)

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MsgAttrStr, MsgAttrStr)


BREW API pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MsgAttrStr

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MsgFolderID, MsgFolderID)


BREW API pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MsgFolderID

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_IMessageStoreUtil_MsgFolderIDs, MsgFolderIDs)