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Wrapper Class for the pim_ICallHistoryUtil interface.
#include <SFBPimCallHistoryUtil.h.hpp>
class SFBPimCallHistoryUtil : public SFBQuery;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFBPimCallHistoryUtilClass


BREW 2.0 BREW 2.1 BREW 3.1 BREW 4.0


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil


Public Functions
SFCError CreateIterator( UInt08ConstPtr record , SInt32 length , IteratorPtr iterator )
Create a Iterator object that can be used to step through a pim_IRecordStore record object and extract individual Field entries.
SFCError CreateIterator( SFXBufferConstRef record , IteratorPtr iterator )
Create a Iterator object that can be used to step through a pim_IRecordStore record object and extract individual Field entries.
SFCError CreateRecord( FieldConstPtr field , SInt32 fieldLen , UInt08Ptr record , SInt32 recordLen , SInt32Ptr recordLenreq )
Create a pim_IRecordStore record that can be added to the record store using member functions of the SFBPimRecordStore class.
SFCError CreateRecord( FieldConstPtr field , SInt32 fieldLen , SFXBufferPtr record )
Create a pim_IRecordStore record that can be added to the record store using member functions of the SFBPimRecordStore class.
SFCError DeleteIterator( Iterator iterator )
Delete the given Iterator object that was used to step through a pim_IRecordStore record object and extract individual Field entries.
SFCError GetFieldValueNum( UInt08ConstPtr record , SInt32 recordLen , ACharConstPtr fieldName , SInt32Ptr num )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record directly using the given field name and return the integer value of the specified CallHistory field in the record.
SFCError GetFieldValueNum( SFXBufferConstRef record , SFXAnsiStringConstRef fieldName , SInt32Ptr num )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record directly using the given field name and return the integer value of the specified CallHistory field in the record.
SFCError GetFieldValueStr( UInt08ConstPtr record , SInt32 recordLen , ACharConstPtr fieldName , ACharPtr fieldValue , SInt32 fieldValueLen , SInt32Ptr fieldValueLenreq )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record directly using the given field name and return the UTF-8 encoded string value of the specified CallHistory field in the record.
SFCError GetFieldValueStr( SFXBufferConstRef record , SFXAnsiStringConstRef fieldName , SFXAnsiStringPtr fieldValue )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record directly using the given field name and return the UTF-8 encoded string value of the specified CallHistory field in the record.
SFCError GetNextField( Iterator iterator , ACharPtr fieldName , SInt32 nameLen , SInt32Ptr nameLenreq , FieldValueTypePtr valuetype )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the next Field entry in the record.
SFCError GetNextField( Iterator iterator , SFXAnsiStringPtr fieldName , FieldValueTypePtr valuetype )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the next Field entry in the record.
SFCError GetNextValueNum( Iterator iterator , SInt32Ptr num )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the integer value of the CallHistory field.
SFCError GetNextValueStr( Iterator iterator , ACharPtr fieldValue , SInt32 valueLen , SInt32Ptr valueLenreq )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the UTF-8 encoded string value of the CallHistory field.
SFCError GetNextValueStr( Iterator iterator , SFXAnsiStringPtr fieldValue )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the UTF-8 encoded string value of the CallHistory field.
SFCError GetNumFields( Iterator iterator , SInt32Ptr num )
Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the number of Field entries in the record.
NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBPimCallHistoryUtil instance.
NewInstance( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBPimCallHistoryUtil instance.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , VoidHandle handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , SFBBaseSmpPtr handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFBBaseSmp QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
Void Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , SFBQuerySmpPtr clone , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
SFBQuerySmp Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
Protected Functions
FactoryByCreate( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface.
FactoryByQuery( SFBQuerySmpConstRef query , AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface using the SFBQuery instance.
Aliased Constants.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.
Aliased Type.

Create a Iterator object that can be used to step through a pim_IRecordStore record object and extract individual Field entries.
[ public ]
SFCError CreateIterator(
    UInt08ConstPtr record   // the pim_IRecordStore format record that is to be parsed into individual Field entries
    SInt32 length           // the number of the elements that can be stored in RSRecord
    IteratorPtr iterator    // on success, the Iterator that should be used with other APIs to parse the record
[ public ]
SFCError CreateIterator(
    SFXBufferConstRef record   // the pim_IRecordStore format record that is to be parsed into individual Field entries
    IteratorPtr iterator       // on success, the Iterator that should be used with other APIs to parse the record


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_CreateIterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Iterator

Create a pim_IRecordStore record that can be added to the record store using member functions of the SFBPimRecordStore class.
[ public ]
SFCError CreateRecord(
    FieldConstPtr field      // a collection of Field entries
    SInt32 fieldLen          // the number of Field entries
    UInt08Ptr record         // on success, the CallHistoryUtil Record converted to a pim_IRecordStore format record
    SInt32 recordLen         // the number of the elements that can be stored in RSRecord
    SInt32Ptr recordLenreq   // on success, the number of the elements that make up RSRecord
[ public ]
SFCError CreateRecord(
    FieldConstPtr field   // a collection of Field entries
    SInt32 fieldLen       // the number of Field entries
    SFXBufferPtr record   // on success, the CallHistoryUtil Record converted to a pim_IRecordStore format record


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_CreateRecord | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Field

Delete the given Iterator object that was used to step through a pim_IRecordStore record object and extract individual Field entries.
[ public ]
SFCError DeleteIterator(
    Iterator iterator   // the Iterator object to be deleted


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_DeleteIterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Iterator

Parse the pim_IRecordStore record directly using the given field name and return the integer value of the specified CallHistory field in the record.
[ public ]
SFCError GetFieldValueNum(
    UInt08ConstPtr record     // the pim_IRecordStore record which needs to be parsed
    SInt32 recordLen          // the size of the record
    ACharConstPtr fieldName   // the name of the CallHistory field to be retrieved
    SInt32Ptr num             // on success, the integer value of the next field
[ public ]
SFCError GetFieldValueNum(
    SFXBufferConstRef record          // the pim_IRecordStore record which needs to be parsed
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef fieldName   // the name of the CallHistory field to be retrieved
    SInt32Ptr num                     // on success, the integer value of the next field


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_GetFieldValueNum

Parse the pim_IRecordStore record directly using the given field name and return the UTF-8 encoded string value of the specified CallHistory field in the record.
[ public ]
SFCError GetFieldValueStr(
    UInt08ConstPtr record        // the pim_IRecordStore record which needs to be parsed
    SInt32 recordLen             // the size of the record
    ACharConstPtr fieldName      // the name of the CallHistory field to be retrieved
    ACharPtr fieldValue          // on success, the string value of the next field encoded in UTF-8 encoding
    SInt32 fieldValueLen         // the number of the elements in fieldValue
    SInt32Ptr fieldValueLenreq   // on success, the number of the elements that make up fieldValue
[ public ]
SFCError GetFieldValueStr(
    SFXBufferConstRef record          // the pim_IRecordStore record which needs to be parsed
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef fieldName   // the name of the CallHistory field to be retrieved
    SFXAnsiStringPtr fieldValue       // on success, the string value of the next field encoded in UTF-8 encoding


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_GetFieldValueStr

Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the next Field entry in the record.
[ public ]
SFCError GetNextField(
    Iterator iterator             // the Iterator object that was created using the previous call to CreateIterator() or SupportedFieldsIterator to obtain a list of all supported fields
    ACharPtr fieldName            // on success, the name of the next field
    SInt32 nameLen                // the size of fieldName
    SInt32Ptr nameLenreq          // the requested size of fieldName
    FieldValueTypePtr valuetype   // on success, the FieldValueType of the next field
[ public ]
SFCError GetNextField(
    Iterator iterator             // the Iterator object that was created using the previous call to CreateIterator() or SupportedFieldsIterator to obtain a list of all supported fields
    SFXAnsiStringPtr fieldName    // on success, the name of the next field
    FieldValueTypePtr valuetype   // on success, the FieldValueType of the next field


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_GetNextField | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::CreateIterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Iterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::AliasEnum | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::FieldValueType

Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the integer value of the CallHistory field.
[ public ]
SFCError GetNextValueNum(
    Iterator iterator   // the Iterator object that was created using the previous call to CreateIterator()
    SInt32Ptr num       // on success, the integer value of the next field.


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_GetNextValueNum | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Iterator

Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the UTF-8 encoded string value of the CallHistory field.
[ public ]
SFCError GetNextValueStr(
    Iterator iterator       // the Iterator object that was created using the previous call to CreateIterator().
    ACharPtr fieldValue     // on success, the string value of the next field encoded in UTF-8 encoding
    SInt32 valueLen         // the number of the elements in fieldValue
    SInt32Ptr valueLenreq   // on success, the number of the elements that make up fieldValue
[ public ]
SFCError GetNextValueStr(
    Iterator iterator             // the Iterator object that was created using the previous call to CreateIterator().
    SFXAnsiStringPtr fieldValue   // on success, the string value of the next field encoded in UTF-8 encoding


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_GetNextValueStr | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::CreateIterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Iterator

Parse the pim_IRecordStore record using the Iterator object created with CreateIterator() and return the number of Field entries in the record.
[ public ]
SFCError GetNumFields(
    Iterator iterator   // the Iterator object that was created using the previous call to CreateIterator() or SupportedFieldsIterator to obtain a count of all supported fields
    SInt32Ptr num       // on success, the number of fields in the record for which Itr was created or the total number of supported fields if Itr was SupportedFieldsIterator


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_GetNumFields | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::CreateIterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::Iterator | SFBPimCallHistoryUtil::AliasEnum

Create a new SFBPimCallHistoryUtil instance.
[ public, static ]
SFBPimCallHistoryUtilSmp NewInstance(
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error
[ public, static ]
SFBPimCallHistoryUtilSmp NewInstance(
    AEECLSID id                    // Class ID
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error

Aliased Constants.
enum AliasEnum {
    FieldNameSize           = pim_ICallHistoryUtil_FieldNameSize,
    ValueNum                = pim_ICallHistoryUtil_ValueNum,
    ValueStr                = pim_ICallHistoryUtil_ValueStr,
    SupportedFieldsIterator = pim_ICallHistoryUtil_SupportedFieldsIterator

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_ICallHistoryUtil_Field, Field)


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_Field

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_ICallHistoryUtil_FieldValueType, FieldValueType)


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_FieldValueType

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_ICallHistoryUtil_Iterator, Iterator)


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_Iterator

Aliased Type.
SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(pim_ICallHistoryUtil_Record, Record)


BREW API pim_ICallHistoryUtil_Record