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Application Interface

Search Input Window

Search Input Window

The Search Input Window allows inputting search parametters and performing the ItemSearch operation


- Tab control with Books pane and DVD pane

- Product category combo box

- Keyword text edit

- Search button

- Soft key sub-window

Book pane or DVD pane are for searching for book or DVD. In ECS this criterion is called SearchIndex. SearchIndex tells the ItemSearch operation what type of product to search for. The application permits searching through the Books index and DVD index; there are many other search indexes available and they can be easily added to the application

Product category combo box is for selecting sub-category of each product type. The default setting "Amazon.com" means searching in all categories.

Keyword text edit: in ECS this criterion is called Keywords which tells the ItemSearch operation to search the Amazon.com catalog for specific text values. In the figure, the request searches for the word "xml".

Search button is to perform the ItemSearch operation

List of Product Window

List of Product Window

The List of Product window is for displaying the list of products obtained from ECS.


- Title label

- List box

- Soft key sub window

List box contains the title of returned products. When a product is selected, its detailed information will be displayed in the Information Window.

Information Window

The Information window is for displaying the detailed information of a product.


- Tab control with panes

- Soft key sub window

A pane can be easily added to or removed from the tab control.

General pane:

General pane displays general information of a product such as title and price (for book).

Detailed pane:

Detailed pane is a scrollable pane for displaying detailed information of a product.

Review pane:

Review pane is a scrollable pane for displaying the customer review information.

In this sample application, only 5 reviews are displayed.

Related products pane:

Related products is a scrollable pane for displaying related products of a product.

For each related product, only the ASIN and Title of the product are displayed.

The ASIN is displayed as a link which will show the detailed information of the product if clicked.

Image pane:

press the "Get Image" buton

Image pane displays the product's image. The user can decide to view the image or not. The image will be obtained and displayed by pressing on the "Get Image" buton.

In this sample application, only the medium-size image is displayed.


In the application, there are some interesting interfaces such as the soft key sub-window, the internet connection dialogs, the error message dialog etc.. Please look at the application's source code for detailed information.

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