Home > Products > Bleuet de BREW > Bleuet de BREW is the World's First Profiler for BREW.

Bleuet de BREW

Bleuet de BREW is the World's First Profiler for BREW.

Bluet de BREW Overview


Bleuet de BREW is the tool for profiling your own BREW application created.

C/C++ languages are supported.

Where is the performance bottleneck on speed or memory usage in your application?

Bleuet de BREW represents log information during application execution graphically and automatically, and then solves this problem instantly.

* Bluet de BREW is provided to our customers who bought SophiaCompress(BREW) EARTH or SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, for free.

How Bleuet de BREW Can Help

Bleuet de BREW automatically generates graphs and statistics from log files over 10,000 lines long. It helps developers quickly identify memory and speed bottlenecks.

Bleuet de BREW System Requirements

Operating System Windows XP Professional / Windows 2000 Professional (SP4)
BREW SDK All version in all languages
ARM Compiler RVCT for BREW 1.2
Required Software BREW AppLoader


Sophia Cradle does not offer any technical support for Bluet de BREW.

Sophia Cradle will not compensate for any damage, trouble or disadvantage caused by using Bluet de BREW.