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Class to edit the property of the native BREW text input control.
#include <SFXEditProperty.h.hpp>
class SFXEditProperty;
<link linkend="sec.macro.core.typedef.SFMTYPEDEFCLASS">SFMTYPEDEFCLASS</link>(SFXEditProperty)

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXEditPropertyClass


SFXEditProperty is the class to edit the property of the native BREW text input control (i.e., BREW API ITextCtl and BREW API IMenuCtl).

SFZSingleEditLabelControl, SFZSingleEditBoxControl, SFZMultipleEditLabelControl, or SFZMultipleEditBoxControl uses this class in SFYSingleEditWidget or SFYMultipleEditWidget which is its child resopnder.

In SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, processing of the text input control of the standard BREW is encapsulated into the SFXBaseEditor, SFXEditor, and SFXEditProperty classes. It is enough that the same one kind of code has only to be programmed regardless of BREW SDK version, simulator, and device.


SFXEditor | SFZSingleEditLabelControl | SFZSingleEditBoxControl | SFYSingleEditWidget | SFZMultipleEditLabelControl | SFZMultipleEditBoxControl | SFYMultipleEditWidget | BREW API ITextCtl | BREW API IMenuCtl | BREW API AEETextInputMode


SFXEditProperty( Void )
Constructor of the SFXEditProperty class.
~SFXEditProperty( Void )
Destructor of the SFXEditProperty class.
Public Functions
AEETextInputMode GetInputMode( Void )
Get the input mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
UInt16 GetMaximumLength( Void )
Get the maximum text size supported by the text input control of the standard BREW.
Bool GetPasswordMode( Void )
Get the password mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
SFXWideStringConstRef GetText( Void )
Get the string set in the text input control of the standard BREW.
Void SetInputMode( AEETextInputMode param )
Set the input mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
SFCError SetMaximumLength( UInt16 param )
Set the maximum text size supported by the text input control of the standard BREW.
Void SetPasswordMode( Bool param )
Set the password mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
SFCError SetText( SFXWideStringConstRef param )
Set the specified string into the text input control of the standard BREW.

Constructor of the SFXEditProperty class.
[ public, explicit ]


This constructor performs the initializations as follows:

  1. Set the maximum text size supported by the text input control to "SINT16_MAXIMUM - 1".
  2. Set the input mode of the text input control to AEE_TM_CURRENT.
  3. Set the password mode of the text input control to "false".


SFXEditProperty::SetMaximumLength | SFXEditProperty::SetInputMode | SFXEditProperty::SetPasswordMode | SFXEditProperty::SetText

Destructor of the SFXEditProperty class.
[ public ]

Get the input mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public, const ]
AEETextInputMode GetInputMode(Void);

Return value

Input mode of native BREW text input control


This function gets the input mode of the text input control of the standard BREW set with the SFXEditProperty::SetInputMode function. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_GetInputMode() and AEETextInputMode of the BREW reference.


SFXEditProperty::SetInputMode | BREW API ITEXTCTL_GetInputMode | BREW API AEETextInputMode

Get the maximum text size supported by the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public, const ]
UInt16 GetMaximumLength(Void);

Return value

Maximum text size supported by the native BREW text input control


This function gets the maximum text size supported by the text input control of the standard BREW set with the SFXEditProperty::SetMaximumLength function. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_SetMaxSize() of the BREW reference.


SFXEditProperty::SetMaximumLength | BREW API ITEXTCTL_SetMaxSize

Get the password mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public, const ]
Bool GetPasswordMode(Void);

Return value

  • If the password mode is active: true
  • Otherwise: false


This function gets the password mode of the text input control of the standard BREW set with the SFXEditProperty::SetPasswordMode function. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_SetProperties() and AEE ITextCtl's Properties of the BREW reference.


SFXEditProperty::SetPasswordMode | BREW API ITEXTCTL_SetProperties | BREW API AEE ITextCtl's Properties

Get the string set in the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public, const ]
SFXWideStringConstRef GetText(Void);

Return value

String set in the text input control of the standard BREW


For more details, see ITEXTCTL_GetText() of the BREW reference.


SFXEditProperty::SetText | BREW API ITEXTCTL_GetText

Set the input mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public ]
Void SetInputMode(
    AEETextInputMode param   // input mode


This function sets the input mode of the text input control of the standard BREW. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_SetInputMode() and AEETextInputMode of the BREW reference.

Default: AEE_TM_CURRENT(currently active input mode)


The below is the usage example in the implementation of the SFYSingleEditWidget::SetInputMode function.

class SFYSingleEditWidget : public SFYWidget {


 SFXEditProperty  _property;



/*public */Void SFYSingleEditWidget::SetInputMode(AEETextInputMode param)
    if (param != _property.GetInputMode()) {


}// SFYSingleEditWidget::SetInputMode //


SFXEditProperty::GetInputMode | BREW API ITEXTCTL_SetInputMode | BREW API AEETextInputMode

Set the maximum text size supported by the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public ]
SFCError SetMaximumLength(
    UInt16 param   // maximum text size to be specified


This function sets the maximum text size supported by the text input control of the standard BREW. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_SetMaxSize() of the BREW reference.

Default: SINT16_MAXIMUM - 1


The below is the usage example in the implementation of the SFYSingleEditWidget::Edit function.

class SFYSingleEditWidget : public SFYWidget {


 SFXBaseEditorPtr _editor;
 SFXEditProperty  _property;



// function which transfer to text input control
/*public */SFCError SFYSingleEditWidget::Edit(Void)
    SFCError  error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);

    // set maximum length of text to text input control
    if ((error = _property.SetMaximumLength(_maximum)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // set initial text to text input control
        if ((error = _property.SetText(_text)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

            // boot up text input control(ITextCtl included in standard BREW)
            // OnEditor is callback function that will be called immediately after text input control finishes
            error = _editor->Open(XALLBACK_INTERNAL(OnEditor));

    return error;
}// SFYSingleEditWidget::Edit //


SFXEditProperty::GetMaximumLength | SFXEditProperty::SetText | BREW API ITEXTCTL_SetMaxSize

Set the password mode of the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public ]
Void SetPasswordMode(
    Bool param   // password mode(true if the input string should be dispalyed as "***", otherwise false)


If the argument is "true", the property value of the text input control of the standard BREW will be set with TP_PASSWORD. In this setting, all the input characters are displayed with the "*" character. The actual string is correctly managed in the BREW buffer. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_SetProperties() and AEE ITextCtl's Properties of the BREW reference.

Default: false


The below is the usage example in the implementation of the SFYSingleEditWidget::SetPasswordMode function.

class SFYSingleEditWidget : public SFYWidget {


 SFXEditProperty  _property;



/*public */SFCError SFYSingleEditWidget::SetPasswordMode(Bool param)
    SFCError  error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);

    if (param != _property.GetPasswordMode()) {

        if ((error = SetWidgetText(_text, param)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {


    return error;
}// SFYSingleEditWidget::SetPasswordMode //


SFXEditProperty::GetPasswordMode | BREW API ITEXTCTL_SetProperties | BREW API AEE ITextCtl Properties

Set the specified string into the text input control of the standard BREW.
[ public ]
SFCError SetText(
    SFXWideStringConstRef param   // string


This function sets the specified string, whose length is upto the number set with the SFXEditProperty::SetMaximumLength function, into the text input control of the standard BREW. For more details, see ITEXTCTL_SetText() of the BREW reference.


class SFYSingleEditWidget : public SFYWidget {


 SFXBaseEditorPtr _editor;
 SFXEditProperty  _property;



// function which transfer to text input control
/*public */SFCError SFYSingleEditWidget::Edit(Void)
    SFCError  error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);

    // set maximum length of text to text input control
    if ((error = _property.SetMaximumLength(_maximum)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // set initial text to text input control
        if ((error = _property.SetText(_text)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

            // boot up text input control(ITextCtl included in standard BREW)
            // OnEditor is callback function that will be called immediately after text input control finishes
            error = _editor->Open(XALLBACK_INTERNAL(OnEditor));

    return error;
}// SFYSingleEditWidget::Edit //


SFXEditProperty::GetText | SFXEditProperty::SetMaximumLength | BREW API ITEXTCTL_SetText