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Wrapper Class for the IOBEXSrvSession interface.
#include <SFBOBEXSrvSession.h.hpp>
class SFBOBEXSrvSession : public SFBQuery;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFBOBEXSrvSessionClass


BREW 2.0 BREW 2.1 BREW 3.1 BREW 4.0




Public Functions
SFCError AcceptConnection( SFBOBEXHeaderSmpConstRef header , AEEOBEXCmdStatus status )
Accepts or reject a CONNECT request from an OBEX client.
SFCError Authenticate( AEEOBEXCharSet charSet , UInt08Ptr realm , SInt32 length , Bool uid , Bool acs )
This function will cause authentication to be initiated for the current request.
SFCError Authenticate( AEEOBEXCharSet charSet , SFXAnsiStringPtr realm , Bool uid , Bool acs )
This function will cause authentication to be initiated for the current request.
SFCError CreateHeaderList( SFBOBEXHeaderSmpPtr header )
Get a pointer to OBEX header list object.
SFCError Disconnect( Void )
This method forcefully severs the connection with the client.It may involve tearing down of the transport connection.
SFCError GetAuthChallenge( BoolPtr idReq , BoolPtr fullaccess , AEEOBEXCharSet * charSet , UInt08Ptr realm , SInt32 length , SInt32Ptr lenreq )
Retrieve the authentication challenge parameters when the application receives the AEEOBEX_EVT_AUTH_CHALLENGE event.
SFCError GetAuthChallenge( BoolPtr idReq , BoolPtr fullAccess , AEEOBEXCharSet * charSet , SFXAnsiStringPtr realm )
Retrieve the authentication challenge parameters when the application receives the AEEOBEX_EVT_AUTH_CHALLENGE event.
SFCError GetAuthResponse( AEEOBEXAuthResp * authResp )
Retrieve the authentication response parameters when the application receives the AEEOBEX_EVT_AUTH_RESPONSE event.
SFCError GetEvent( AEEOBEXEventType * id , SFBOBEXHeaderSmpPtr header , AEEOBEXEvent * eventData )
Retrieve the event, after the signal registered via OnEventNotify() is triggered.
SFCError GetParams( AEEOBEXParamType paramType , UInt32Ptr u32 , UInt08Ptr param , SInt32 paramLen , SInt32Ptr paramLenreq )
Read information from the interface.
SFCError GetParams( AEEOBEXParamType paramType , UInt32Ptr u32 , SFXBufferPtr param )
Read information from the interface.
SFCError GetParams( AEEOBEXParamType paramType , UInt32Ptr u32 , SFXAnsiStringPtr param )
Read information from the interface.
NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBOBEXSrvSession instance.
NewInstance( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBOBEXSrvSession instance.
SFCError OnEventNotify( SFBSignalSmpConstRef signal )
Register a signal which is set when the application is to be notified of an event.
SFCError SendResponse( AEEOBEXRequestType request , SFBOBEXHeaderSmpConstRef header , AEEOBEXCmdStatus status , AEEOBEXFlags flag )
Send a response to the GET,PUT,SETPATH, DISCONNECT request that was received from a client.
SFCError SetUidPassword( UInt08ConstPtr uid , SInt32 uidLen , UInt08ConstPtr password , SInt32 passwordLen )
Provide information that is required for authentication.
SFCError SetUidPassword( SFXAnsiStringConstRef uid , SFXAnsiStringConstRef password )
Provide information that is required for authentication.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , VoidHandle handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , SFBBaseSmpPtr handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFBBaseSmp QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
Void Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , SFBQuerySmpPtr clone , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
SFBQuerySmp Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
Protected Functions
FactoryByCreate( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface.
FactoryByQuery( SFBQuerySmpConstRef query , AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface using the SFBQuery instance.

Accepts or reject a CONNECT request from an OBEX client.
[ public ]
SFCError AcceptConnection(
    SFBOBEXHeaderSmpConstRef header   // pointer to the headers to be sent to the OBEX client
    AEEOBEXCmdStatus status           // status to be sent in the connect response


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_AcceptConnection | SFBOBEXHeader

This function will cause authentication to be initiated for the current request.
[ public ]
SFCError Authenticate(
    AEEOBEXCharSet charSet   // character set in which the realm string is encoded
    UInt08Ptr realm          // pointer to realm information
    SInt32 length            // realm len
    Bool uid                 // userID Reqd; true if the server requires UserID from the client, false if the server does not require UID from the client
    Bool acs                 // type of Access; true for full access, false for readonly access
[ public ]
SFCError Authenticate(
    AEEOBEXCharSet charSet   // character set in which the realm string is encoded
    SFXAnsiStringPtr realm   // string of realm information
    Bool uid                 // userID Reqd
    Bool acs                 // type of Access


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_Authenticate

Get a pointer to OBEX header list object.
[ public ]
SFCError CreateHeaderList(
    SFBOBEXHeaderSmpPtr header   // place holder for smart pointer to SFBOBEXHeader class


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_CreateHeaderList | SFBOBEXHeader

This method forcefully severs the connection with the client.It may involve tearing down of the transport connection.
[ public ]
SFCError Disconnect(Void);


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_Disconnect

Retrieve the authentication challenge parameters when the application receives the AEEOBEX_EVT_AUTH_CHALLENGE event.
[ public ]
SFCError GetAuthChallenge(
    BoolPtr idReq              // indicates if the client requested for Uid
    BoolPtr fullaccess         // place holder for access granted by the client
    AEEOBEXCharSet * charSet   // character set used for encoding the realm
    UInt08Ptr realm            // realm string
    SInt32 length              // buffer allocated for the realm string
    SInt32Ptr lenreq           // if the buffer allocated for the realm string is insufficient, this location contains the required buffer length 
[ public ]
SFCError GetAuthChallenge(
    BoolPtr idReq              // indicates if the client requested for Uid
    BoolPtr fullAccess         // place holder for access granted by the client
    AEEOBEXCharSet * charSet   // character set used for encoding the realm
    SFXAnsiStringPtr realm     // realm string


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_GetAuthChallenge

Retrieve the authentication response parameters when the application receives the AEEOBEX_EVT_AUTH_RESPONSE event.
[ public ]
SFCError GetAuthResponse(
    AEEOBEXAuthResp * authResp   // pointer to the buffer to read authentication response


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_GetAuthResponse

Retrieve the event, after the signal registered via OnEventNotify() is triggered.
[ public ]
SFCError GetEvent(
    AEEOBEXEventType * id        // place holder for event type 
    SFBOBEXHeaderSmpPtr header   // optional headers sent with the request
    AEEOBEXEvent * eventData     // event Data


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_GetEvent | SFBOBEXHeader

Read information from the interface.
[ public ]
SFCError GetParams(
    AEEOBEXParamType paramType   // parameter type 
    UInt32Ptr u32                // place holder for a 4 byte parameter
    UInt08Ptr param              // buffer to hold the parameter
    SInt32 paramLen              // length of the buffer
    SInt32Ptr paramLenreq        // if return value is AEE_EBUFFERTOOSMALL, this location contains length of the buffer required to hold the parameter
[ public ]
SFCError GetParams(
    AEEOBEXParamType paramType   // parameter type
    UInt32Ptr u32                // place holder for a 4 byte parameter
    SFXBufferPtr param           // buffer to hold the parameter
[ public ]
SFCError GetParams(
    AEEOBEXParamType paramType   // parameter type
    UInt32Ptr u32                // place holder for a 4 byte parameter
    SFXAnsiStringPtr param       // string to hold the parameter


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_GetParams

Create a new SFBOBEXSrvSession instance.
[ public, static ]
SFBOBEXSrvSessionSmp NewInstance(
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error
[ public, static ]
SFBOBEXSrvSessionSmp NewInstance(
    AEECLSID id                    // Class ID
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error

Register a signal which is set when the application is to be notified of an event.
[ public ]
SFCError OnEventNotify(
    SFBSignalSmpConstRef signal   // signal that is set when an event is to be delivered to the app


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_OnEventNotify | SFBSignal

Send a response to the GET,PUT,SETPATH, DISCONNECT request that was received from a client.
[ public ]
SFCError SendResponse(
    AEEOBEXRequestType request        // the request type for E.g SET PATH, GET, PUT for which this response is being sent
    SFBOBEXHeaderSmpConstRef header   // smart pointer to the SFBOBEXHeader class that contains list of headers to be sent to OBEX client
    AEEOBEXCmdStatus status           // the status to be sent in the OBEX response
    AEEOBEXFlags flag                 // currently not used 


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_SendResponse

Provide information that is required for authentication.
[ public ]
SFCError SetUidPassword(
    UInt08ConstPtr uid        // pointer to userID
    SInt32 uidLen             // user id length
    UInt08ConstPtr password   // password for userID
    SInt32 passwordLen        // password length
[ public ]
SFCError SetUidPassword(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef uid        // userID string
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef password   // password string


BREW API IOBEXSrvSession_SetUidPassword