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6.2. Types / Constants / Modifiers

[Note] Note
Type, Constant, and Modifier of SophiaFramework UNIVERSE differ from those of standard C++ and BREW (C language).

Table 6.1. SophiaFramework UNIVERSE / Standard C++ / BREW: Types

SophiaFramework Standard C++ BREW (C language) Description
Bool bool boolean boolean type
Void void void void type
UInt08 unsigned char uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer
SIntN signed int int signed integer
SInt16 signed short int16 signed 16-bit integer
UInt32 unsigned long int uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer(other types: Integer types)
Float32 float float 32-bit floating point
Float64 double double 64-bit floating point
Byte unsigned char byte byte type
AChar char char 1-byte character type
WChar w_char AECHAR 2-byte character type
Ptr * * pointer type(Example: use BoolPtr instead of Bool*)
Ref & & reference type(Example: use BoolRef instead of Bool&)

Table 6.2. SophiaFramework UNIVERSE / Standard C++ / BREW: Constants

SophiaFramework Standard C++ BREW (C language) Description
null NULL NULL null pointer
true true TRUE boolean value that represents true
false false FALSE boolean value that represents false

Table 6.3. SophiaFramework UNIVERSE / Standard C++ / BREW: Modifiers

SophiaFramework Standard C++ BREW (C language) Description
Const const const constant (example: use BoolConst instead of const Bool, BoolConstPtr instead of const BoolPtr )
Volatile volatile volatile volatile (example: use BoolVolatile instead of volatile Bool, BoolVolatilePtr instead of volatile BoolPtr )