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SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS User's Manual


  1. What is SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS?
  2. System Requirements
    1. System Environments
    2. Profiles
    3. Unsupported Environments
    4. Web Sites for Download
  3. Installation
  4. Compression Through Graphical User Interface
    1. Menu
    2. Configuration
      1. Java Settings:
      2. Profile Settings:
      3. Compression Options:
    3. Compression
    4. Brief Help Panel
  5. Command-line User Interface
    1. Startup Command
    2. Example
    3. Configuration File
  6. Using Eclipse
    1. Install of Eclipse plugin
    2. Settings
    3. Compression
  7. Error Messages and Restrictions
    1. Error Messages
      1. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
      2. java.lang.StackOverflowError
    2. Restrictions
      1. Double-byte Characters in File Paths
      2. Class.forName Method
      3. Lack of Memory After Compression
      4. Resource File Paths
      5. JAM File With Icon Characters ( for NTT DoCoMo's Star / DoJa )
      6. External Programs Syntax
      7. Window Size
  8. Compression Methods
    1. Data Optimization
    2. Instructions Optimization
    3. Class Integration
    4. StackMap Optimization
  9. Support
  10. Glossary

1 What is SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS?

SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS is a compression tool for mobile Java applications with MIDP or Star / DoJa profile, that minimizes the size of a JAR file.

The Steps to Compress a mobile Java Application

  1. Unpacking JAR file
  2. Compressing
  3. Preverifying
  4. Re-packing to JAR file
  5. Modifying ADF file

SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS

2 System Requirements

2.1 System Environments

OS: Windows 7 / XP
Java for developing applications: Java 2 SDK 1.3.1 / 1.4.2
Java for booting up SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS: JRE 1.5.0
Eclipse: Eclipse 3.2.1

2.2 Profiles

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-1.0


Attached to J2ME Wireless SDK for the DoJa-1.0 release2.2 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to J2ME Wireless SDK for the DoJa-1.0 release2.2 ( dojaapi.jar )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-2.0


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-2.0 Ver.1.03 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-2.0 Ver.1.03 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-3.0


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-3.0 Ver.2.00 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-3.0 Ver.2.00 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-3.5


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-3.5 Ver.1.03 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-3.5 Ver.1.03 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-4.0


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-4.0 Ver.1.03 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-4.0 Ver.1.03 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-4.1


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-4.1 Ver.1.11 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-4.1 Ver.1.11 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-5.0


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-5.0 Ver.1.05 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-5.0 Ver.1.05 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : DoJa-5.1


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-5.1 Ver.3.00 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for DoJa-5.1 Ver.3.00 ( classes.zip, doja_classes.zip )

NTT DoCoMo : Star-1.0


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for Star-1.0 Ver.1.00 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to i-Appli Development Kit for Star-1.0 Ver.1.00 ( classes.zip, star_classes.zip )

au EZ-Appli( Java )


Attached to Java 2 Platform Micro Edition Wireless Toolkit version 1.0.4_01 for Windows ( preverify.exe )


Attached to EZ-Appli( Java ) development kit ( ezplus Emulator version 1.0 ) ( kddip.jar )

J2ME Wireless Toolkit version 1.0.4_01 for Windows ( midpapi.zip )

KJX maker:

Attached to EZ-Appli( Java ) development kit ( ezplus Emulator version 1.0 ) ( KJXArchiver.jar )

SoftBank S! Appli


Attached to S! appli Emulator for JSCL 1.3.2 Ver.1.0.1 ( preverify.exe )


Attached to S! appli Emulator for JSCL 1.3.2 Ver.1.0.1 (stubclasses.zip)

SoftBank S! Appli ( MIDP 2.0 )


Attached to J2ME Wireless Toolkit version 1.0.4_01 for Windows ( preverify.exe )


Attached to MEXA Emulator Version 1.1.0 (stubclasses.zip)

Motorola Java


Attached to Motorola SDK v4.3 for J2ME ( preverify.exe )


Attached to Motorola SDK v4.3 for J2ME ( javaextensions.jar, stubclasses.zip )

Nokia Java


Attached to Nokia Developer's Suite 2.2 for J2ME ( preverify.exe )


Attached to Nokia Developer's Suite 2.2 for J2ME ( classes.zip )

Samsung Java


Attached to J2ME Wireless Toolkit version 1.0.4_01 for Windows ( preverify.exe )


Attached to Samsung JSDK ( SamsungApi.jar )

KDDI OpenAppli Java


Attached to Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit version 2.5 for CLDC( preverify.exe )


Attached to Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit version 2.5 for CLDC ( *.jar )

2.3 Unsupported Environments

The J2ME Wireless Toolkit version 1.0.1 preverifier is not supported by SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS.

2.4 Web Sites for Downloading Mobile Java SDK


J2SE 1.3.1 / J2SE 1.4.2 / J2SE 5.0

Archive: Java[tm] Technology Products Download



Software Development Kit for Mobile Java Applications

NTT DoCoMo i-Appli Development Kit:


au EZ-Appli( Java ) Development Kit ( Japanese ):


J2Softbank S! Appli Development Kit ( Japanese ):


J2ME Wireless Toolkit:


Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit version 2.5 :


3 Installation

To install, double-click the installer icon. An InstallShield wizard will take over to guide you through the installation.

4 Compression Through Graphical User Interface

Booting Up SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS.

SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS is booted up, using one of the 3 following methods.

  1. Double-clicking on the SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS icon.
  2. Selecting SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS from the Windows menu
  3. Double-clicking scompress.jar inside the installed folder.
Main window ( at boot up ) of SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS

main window

4.1 Menu


4.2 Configuration

4.2.1 Java Settings:

Java Settings

[Java SDK]:

If [Java SDK] is empty, set up the JAVA_HOME path where Java SDK is installed using the [select] button.

The JAVA_HOME path can be set up by selecting the path of bin\java.exe in the Java SDK, for example C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\bin\java.exe.

The supported version of Java SDK is 1.3.1 or 1.4.2.


Setting up the Compression Tool.

1. [JAR]

bin/jar.exe is used in the Java SDK. ( JAR ( bin/jar.exe ) is recommended. )

2. [7-ZIP]
3. [kzip]
4. [other ZIP]

Select the [ZIP path] of the compression tool, and set up its [ZIP parameters]. Enter %1 as the input folder, and %2 as the output file.

* If [7-ZIP] or [kzip] is selected, [ZIP Parameters] are automatically set up as follows.

Program: 7-ZIP (http://www.7-zip.org/)
[ZIP path]: 7z.exe
[ZIP parameters]: a -tzip -mx=9 %2 %1
Program: kzip (http://advsys.net/ken/utils.htm)
[ZIP path]: kzip.exe
[ZIP parameters]: /r %2 *

4.2.2 Profile Settings:

Profile Settings

* [Profile]: Only profiles that have been checked are included in the profile list of the main window.

[Preverifier Path]:

[Preverifier Path] is valid when the Outer option is selected. The preverifier attached to the mobile Java SDK should be selected.

[Libraries Needed for Mobile Compression]:

Listing Class Libraries Referred to by the Application.

[Add] button:

A library can be added to the list of [Libraries Needed for Mobile Compression] with the [Add] button.

[Remove] button:

A library can be removed from the list of [Libraries Needed for Mobile Compression] with the [Remove] button.

* In general, class libraries are in the /lib folder of the mobile Java SDK.

*NOTICE : In case of NTT DoCoMo Star / DoJa, dbgclasses.zip in the /lib folder is a library for debugging and it must not be added.

[EZ Appli] ( Java )


[Create KJX File]:

A KJX file is generated when [Create KJX File] is checked, and a [KJX Maker] path is selected.

[Add CRC]:

CRC information is added to the compressed application when [Add CRC] checked and the path of a [CRC Maker] is selected.



Open Appli



By default, ASCII encoding is selected to read / write the JAD file. Other types of encoding can be selected from the list of [Encoding], or the type's Canonical Name can be directly entered in the [Encoding] field. However, since the JAD file of KDDI's OpenAppli must be specified in UTF8, there is only UTF8 in the [Encoding] field.

4.2.3 Compression Options:

compression option

* If [Shorten Class Names] is checked, a new main class name may be entered in [New Main Class Name] and saved with the [Change] button.

* The [Class Integration] or [Optimize Stack Map] ( Make New Class ) options may increase the compressed application's memory consumption during execution. If OutOfMemoryError occurs, [Integration Level] should be lowered, or both these options turned off.

4.3 Application Compression

multiple compression


*NOTICE : The jar file for "Full+Mini Appli" and "Mini + Full Appli" of NTT DoCoMo Star Profile is not supported. To compress it, specify the jar file for "Full Appli" or "Mini Appli" separately.


The application Profile should be selected in the lower left corner [Combobox].


Compression starts the [Compress] button is clicked. Detailed compression information is displayed when the [View log] button is pressed.

[Done] : status after compression

: Compression was completed without errors.

: Compression finished but a preverifier error occurred.

: An error occurred during compression.

[No] : ordinal number
[JAR] : application name
[JAM/JAD] : checked when an ADF file with the same name as JAR is found in the folder
[Input] : byte size of the JAR file before compression
[Output] : byte size of the JAR file after compression
[%] : compression rate

4.4 Brief Help Panel

When the [Brief Help Panel] is enabled from [Help] menu, help information on UI components is displayed as the mouse cursor moves over them.

5 Command-Line User Interface

5.1 Startup Command

The startup command is as follows:

java -jar scompress.jar -profile_name input.adf input.jar
[-o output.dir] [-java javaPath] [-jar JAR/7ZIP/kzip/ZIP] [-7ZIP path]
[-kzip path] [-zip ZIP] [-zip_command "..."] [-pvf preverifier] [-f] 
[-kjx kjxmaker] [-crc crcadder] [-encoding encoding_name] 
[-cp classpath;...] [-icc] [-usepvf SDK/SCJ] [-mainclass MAINCLASS] 
[-op_???? on/off]

*NOTICE : The jar file for "Full+Mini Appli" and "Mini + Full Appli" of NTT DoCoMo Star Profile is not supported. To compress it, specify the jar file for "Full Appli" or "Mini Appli" separately.

-profile_name: (* required )
-docomo i-Appli ( input.adf file is in JAM format )
-ezplus EZ-Appli(Java) ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-softbank / -vodafone S! Appli ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-willcom WILLCOM ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-motorola Motorola ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-nokia Nokia ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-samsung Samsung ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-midp MIDP in general ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
-openappli OpenAppli in general ( input.adf file is in JAD format )
Other parameters:

The following parameters are automatically set up in the Configuration Files created when using the GUI edition of SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS, but they can also be manually specified.

-o folder name for output
-java set the JDK ( folder where the JDK is installed )
-jar JAR/7ZIP/kzip/ZIP select JAR compression tool ( JAR, 7ZIP, kzip, or ZIP )
-7ZIP path set the 7-ZIP
-kzip path set the kzip
-zip ZIP set the ZIP tool
-zip_command "..." 1% is input folder / 2% is output file
-usepvf SDK/SCJ select the Preverifier type : SDK ( Outer ) or SCJ ( Inner )
-pvf set the Preverifier when -usepvf SDK is selected
-kjx set the KJX Maker when -ezplus option is selected
-crc set the CRC Maker when -ezplus option is selected
-encoding set the encoding name of JAD file when -midp or -openappli option is selected
-icc ignore all library paths in the profiles.cfg configuration file or effective in the previous commands
-cp set class libraries not in the profiles.cfg configuration file and referred to by an application ( multiple library paths must be separated by a semi-colon ";" )
-f set the compulsory mode: ignore all the warning messages such as file override
-mainclass set the main class name after compression
-op_XXXX on/off set/reset the compression method with on or off ( XXXX is replaced with the compression method name below. By default, these all values are on except op_gc(). )
-op_unite select the option of class integration
-op_unite_abstract select the option of abstract class integration
-op_unite_level [1-10] set the class integration level ( integer from 1 to 10 )
-op_nop delete NOP instructions
-op_deadcode delete unused codes
-op_exception delete unnecessary try - catch exception tables
-op_goto delete / rewrite goto statements
-op_print delete System.out.print[ln]
-op_stack delete unnecessary stack operations
-op_inline expand inline methods
-op_array merge class variables into an array
-op_interface delete unnecessary interfaces
-op_class delete unused classes
-op_method delete unused methods
-op_classrename shorten class names
-op_share share names
-op_share_field share names - share field names forcely
-op_share_method share names - share method names forcely
-op_sort_cp sort constant pool entries
-op_access_flag modify access flags
-op_return_value delete unused return values
-op_basic_block share Basic Block
-op_switch replace switch with if
-op_stackmap optimize StackMap
-op_share_method share methods
-op_synchronized synchronize methods
-op_init remove unused initialization codes
-op_string optimize strings
-op_method_declare optimize methods declaration
-op_class_vars_to_static change variables into static
-op_stackmap_new_class optimize StackMap with a new class
-op_gc delete gc()
-op_jdk1_4 support JDK 1.4(Java 2 SDK 1.4.2) ( an application made with JDK 1.4(Java 2 SDK 1.4.2) can be compressed when -op_jdk1_4 is selected )
Version of SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS
-version display the version of SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS

* Only [-version] should be specified.

5.2 Examples

Example1: compression with the profiles.cfg

java -jar scompress.jar -docomo hoge.jam hoge.jar
EZ Appli( Java )
java -jar scompress.jar -ezplus hoge.jad hoge.jar
S! Appli
java -jar scompress.jar -softbank hoge.jad hoge.jar
Open Appli
java -jar scompress.jar -openappli hoge.jad hoge.jar

Example2: compression of S! Appli referring to only the mylib.jar library

S! Appli
java -jar scompress.jar -icc -cp mylib.jar -softbank hoge.jad hoge.jar

Example3: disabling CRC maker, while CRC maker is set up in the profiles.cfg

java -jar scompress.jar -crc "" -ezplus hoge.jad hoge.jar

* A NULL string should be specified as CRC maker.

5.3 Configuration Files

Configuration Files are .cfg text files in the same folder as scompress.jar generated when the GUI edition of SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS is used for the first time.

General.cfg: Settings for Java and GUI

    SHOW_BRIEF_HELP = true
    JAVA_SDK_FOLDER = C:\jdk1.3.1_13
    7-ZIP_FOLDER =C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
    KZIP_FOLDER =C:\Program Files\kzip.exe
    ZIP_FOLDER = C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
    ZIP_PARAMETERS = a -tzip -mx=9 %2 %1
Parameters of general.cfg:
flag to display the Brief Help Panel ( effective only for the GUI edition )
JDK path ( the folder where the JDK is installed )
JAR compression tool ( JAR, 7ZIP, kzip, or ZIP )
7-ZIP path
kzip path
ZIP tool path
parameters of ZIP tool ( 1% is input folder / 2% is output file )
initial profile name ( SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS internal parameter, effective only for GUI edition )
last selected file ( SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS internal parameter, effective only for GUI edition )
last compressed application ( SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS internal parameter, effective only for GUI edition )

Profiles.cfg: Settings for Profiles

  DoCoMo_ENABLED = true
  DoCoMo_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\iDKDoJa3.5\bin\preverify.exe
  DoCoMo_LIBRARIES = C:\iDKDoJa3.5\lib\doja_classes.zip;

  S!Appli_ENABLED = true
  S!Appli_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\V-appli_SDK_122\bin\preverify.exe
  S!Appli_LIBRARIES = C:\V-appli_SDK_122\lib\stubclasses.zip

  Willcom_ENABLED = true
  Willcom_SDKPREVERIFIER = true
  Willcom_LIBRARIES =

  EZAppli_ENABLED = true
  EZAppli_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\WTK104\bin\preverify.exe
  EZAppli_LIBRARIES = C:\WTK104\lib\midpapi.zip;
  EZAppli_CREATE_KJX_FILE = true
  EZAppli_ADD_CRC = false
  EZAppli_KJX_MAKER_PATH = C:\EZAppli_SDK\bin\KJXArchiver.jar

  Nokia_ENABLED = true
  Nokia_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\Nokia\Devices\
  Nokia_LIBRARIES = C:\Nokia\Devices\

  Motorola_ENABLED = true
  Motorola_SDKPREVERIFIER = true
  Motorola_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\Program Files\Motorola\
  SDK v4.3 for J2ME\EmulatorA.1\bin\preverify.exe
  Motorola_LIBRARIES = C:\Program Files\Motorola\SDK v4.3 for J2ME\
  EmulatorA.1\lib\javaextensions.jar;C:\Program Files\Motorola\
  SDK v4.3 for J2ME\EmulatorA.1\lib\stubclasses.zip

  Samsung_ENABLED = true
  Samsung_SDKPREVERIFIER = true
  Samsung_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\WTK104\bin\preverify.exe
  Samsung_LIBRARIES = C:\Program Files\Samsung\SJSDKv2.0\lib\SamsungApi.jar

  MIDP_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\WTK104\bin\preverify.exe
  MIDP_LIBRARIES = C:\WTK104\lib\midpapi.zip
  OpenAppli_ENABLED = true
  OpenAppli_SDKPREVERIFIER = true
  OpenAppli_PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH = C:\WTK25\bin\preverify.exe
  OpenAppli_LIBRARIES = C:\WTK25\lib\cldcapi10.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\cldcapi11.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\j2me-ws.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\j2me-xmlrpc.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr082.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr179.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr180.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr184.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr211.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr226.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr229.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr234.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr238.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr239.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\jsr75.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\midpapi10.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\midpapi20.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\midpapi21.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\mmapi.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\satsa-apu.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\satsa-crypto.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\satsa-jcrmi.jar;C:\WTK25lib\satsa-pki.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\wma11.jar;C:\WTK25\lib\wma20.jar
  OpenAppli_ENCODING = UTF8
Parameters of profiles.cfg:
availablity of the profile in the profile list of the main window ( effective only for the GUI edition )
if this flag is set to true, the SDK preverifier specified in PREVERIFIER_FILE_PATH is used. If false, preverifier of SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS is used.
Preverifier path
class libraries referred to by an application to be compressed ( multiple library paths must be separated by a semi-colon ";" )
flag to create KJX file: true or false
flag to add the CRC information on the KJX file: true or false
KJX maker path
CRC maker path
encoding name of the JAD file ( effective only for the MIDP profile )

compression.cfg:settings example

  SHARE_NAMES = true
  JDK_OVER_1_4 = true
  UNUSED_CODE = true
  GOTO_JUMPS = true
  SORT_CP = true
  SWITCH_TO_IF = true
  DELETE_NOP = true
  DELETE_GC() = false
Parameters of compression.cfg:
integrate abstract classes
set the class integration level ( integer from 1 to 10 )
set New Main Class Name after compression
share names - share field names forcely
share names - share method names forcely
integrate classes
share class names
share names between classes
support JDK 1.4(Java 2 SDK 1.4.2) ( an application made with JDK 1.4(Java 2 SDK 1.4.2) can be compressed when -op_jdk1_4 is selected )
delete unused classes
delete unnecessary interfaces
delete unused methods
delete unused codes
delete unnecessary try - catch exceptional tables
delete / rewrite goto instructions
delete unnecessary stack operations
expand inline methods
merge class variables into an array
Sort constant pool entries
modify access flags
delete unused return values
delete System.out.print[ln]
share Basic Block
replace switch with if
optimize StackMap
share method
make synchronized method
delete unused initialization codes
optimize strings
optimize method declaration
delete NOP instructions
delete NOP instructions
optimize StackMap with a new class
delete gc() ( garbage collecting instruction )

* The parameters except INTEGRATION_RATIO and NEW_CLASS_NAME are set up by true or false.

* A compression method is enabled / disabled by entering either true / false.

Reading cfg files

When the CUI boots up, a configuration file reads the cfg file of the current folder. If it is not found in the current folder, a cfg file is read from the folder containing scompress.jar. A cfg file is not read if not found in these two folders.

6 Using Eclipse

Applications can be compressed using Eclipse if the Eclipse plug-in for SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS is installed.

6.1 Installation of Eclipse Plug-in

Install the Eclipse plug-in with the SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS installer.

* The plug-in can also be installed by copying the com.s_cradle.sophiacompress.eclipse.plugin_1.0.0.jar file into the plugins folder of Eclipse.

6.2 Settings

To set up the plug-in path, select the Eclipse menu [Window] - [Preferences...].

At [SCJ Path], the file scompress/scompress.jar is set up in the SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS folder.

The Profile of the applications that will be compressed is selected in [Profile].

SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS preferences, must be set prior to compression.

6.3 Compression

Right-clicking a Java project in the [Package Explorer] window of Eclipse chooses it.

Selecting [Compress] from the menu, starts the compression of the JAR file and the ADF file in the bin or deployed folder of the project.

7 Error Messages and Restrictions

7.1 Error Messages

7.1.1 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

A shortage of heap memory for the Java system leads to compression failure.
The Java heap memory size may be increased by booting up SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS with the option -Xmx<size>. The actual size of the heap is specified in <size>.
java -jar -Xmx<size> scompress.jar
java -jar -Xmx100m scompress.jar

* This boot up option is entered as -Xmx100m, and not -Xmx<100m>.

7.1.2 java.lang.StackOverflowError

A shortage of stack memory for the Java system leads to compression failure.
The Java stack memory size may be increased by booting up SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS with the option -Xss<size>. The actual size of the stack is specified in <size>.
java -jar -Xss<size> scompress.jar
java -jar -Xss50m scompress.jar

* This boot up option is entered as -Xss50m, and not -Xss<50m>.

7.2 Restrictions

7.2.1 Double-byte Characters in the File Path

SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS may not operate correctly if double-byte characters ( e.g. Kanji ) are used in the absolute path of a JAR file to be compressed.

7.2.2 Class.forName Method

An application that uses a Class.forName method, may not function correctly after compression.


7.2.3 Lack of Memory After Compression

The Class Integration and Optimize StackMap ( Make New Class ) methods may increase the memory consumption of the application after compression, make it terminate during execution with an OutOfMemoryError, and may also cause the Garbage Collector to run more frequently, slowing down the application.
Integration Level should be lowered or the Class Integration and Optimize StackMap methods should be turned off.

7.2.4 Resource File Paths

The Class Integration and Shorten Class Names methods may change absolute class paths. If resource files are accessed through relative class paths, the compressed application may fail to access them.
Resource files should be accessed through their absolute paths.
Example: code from application.text

Not Recommended: InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("input.txt")

Recommended: InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/application/text/input.txt")

7.2.5 JAM File With Icon Characters ( for NTT DoCoMo's Star / DoJa )

SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS cannot handle picture characters encoded with SJIS_i.
The SJIS_i18n.jar file of JDK is modified to handle the SJIS_i encoding as follows.
Modifying i18n.jar file:
  1. Backup the original i18n.jar.

    i18n.jar will exist in one of the following paths.
    • %JAVA_HOME%\lib\i18n.jar
    • %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\i18n.jar
  2. Unpack the i18n.jar file onto the i18n folder.
  3. Replace the i18n folder with the i18n folder in the %IDK_HOME%/lib folder.
  4. Compress the i18n folder and name it i18n.jar.
  5. Replace the i18n.jar file in the original folder with the i18n.jar file in the Step 4.

* %JAVA_HOME% is the folder where JDK was installed and %IDK_HOME% is the folder where the i-Appli development kit was installed.

7.2.6 External Programs Syntax

preverifier.exe [-classpath 'classpath'] -d output input
KJX Maker:
java -jar KJXMaker.jar -c inputJad inputJAR outputKJX (in case of JAR file )
KJXMaker.exe -c inputJad inputJAR outputKJX ( in case of EXE file )
CRC Maker:
java -jar CRCMaker.jar targetKJX (in case of JAR file )
CRCMaker.exe targetKJX ( in case of EXE file )

7.2.7 Window Size

When the window size is too small to use, SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS may be booted up with the -resize option specified.

java -jar scompress.jar -resize

Window Size

8 Compression Methods

8.1 Data Optimization

Deleting unnecessary attrubutes

Delete attributes added by the preverifier such as Synthetic, InnerClass, Deprecated, StackMap, which are irrelevant to program execution.

Deleting unused constants

Delete the unused entries in the constant pool that are caused by sharing and abbreviating names. Constant pool is a data area for managing constant names or values in a program

Deleting irrelevant fields

Delete the fields irrelevant to program execution.

Deleting irrelevant methods

Delete the methods irrelevant to program execution.

Deleting irrelevant classes

Delete the classes irrelevant to program execution.

Deleting interfaces

Reorganize and delete the interfaces

Deleting irrelevant return values

Delete the return values that are irrelevant to program execution and make the return type of the method void.

Deleting unused initialization codes

Delete the initialization codes of fields and arrays that are irrelevant to program execution.

Sharing and shortening field names

Share and abbreviate the class field names.

Sharing and shortening method names

Share and abbreviate the method names.

Sorting constant pool entries

Sort the entries in the constant pool for efficiency of the ZIP compression.

Arranging class variables

Merge the class variables into an array.

Sharing class names

Share and abbreviate the class names.

8.2 Instructions Optimization

Deleting nop instructions

Delete the nop instructions.

Deleting unused code

Delete the unused codes (dead codes).

Deleting unnecessary try-catch blocks

Delete the unnecessary try - catch exception tables.

Deleting and rewriting goto instructions

Delete the goto instructions that will jump into next instruction, and rewrite the target of the goto instruction that will jump on another goto instruction.

Deleting System.out.print instructions

Delete the System.out.print and System.out.println instructions.

Changing local variable order

Change the order of the local variables so that the local variables frequently referred to may be moved into the beginning position of the array for variables.

Deleting unused stack values

Delete unnecessary codes that will push a value onto stack and pop it up without referring to.

In-line method expansion

Expand and delete the methods that are small or called at the only one position.

Modifying access flags

Modify the access flags of the classes, methods and fields for the efficiency of the ZIP compression.

Replacing switch with if

Replace the switch instruction with less than two branches with the if instruction.

Sharing methods

Share the methods with the same codes.

Making synchronized methods

Make the new synchronized methods from the synchronized statements.

Optimizing strings

Replace strings that are made in programs dynamicaly with constant strings if they are able to be calculated.

Optimizing method declarations

Change instance methods into static methods if possible.

Changing instance fields into class fields

Change instance fields of application class into class fields.

Deleting gc() instructions

Delete System.gc() and Runtime.getRuntime().gc().

Supporting JDK 1.4

Support the JDK 1.4 so that an application made with JDK 1.4 may be compressed.

8.3 Class Integration

Two classes can be integrated into one class under some conditions, this process is repeated with other classes recursively.

8.4 StackMap Optimization

StackMap optimization

Optimze StackMap : Delete StackMap attributes appended when preverifying.

StackMap optimization ( making new classes )

Optimze StackMap ( Make New Class ) : Delete StackMap attributes appended when preverifying, and make new classes instead.

Sharing basic blocks

Share Basic Blocks : Share the Basic Block between the Basic Blocks with no jump instructions.

9 Support

If any questions, comments, suggestions, or anything else related with SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS, contact us through our Question Form.

And if a bug is found, please contact us with error information, its compression logs, screen captures, etc.

Upgrading Information

Please refer to the SophiaCompress(Java) OASIS Release Note

10 Glossary

ADF ( Application Descriptor File ) :
a file that contains the important information on mobile Java application such as application name and size, JAR file location, date of last modification, etc. In Star / DoJa, it is called JAM file, and in MIDP it is the JAD file.
IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
a set of integrated software tools for application development, which can include source code editor, compiler, debugger, graphical editor
verifying the program for use before running on the mobile handset. An error will occur if the application executed on the handset without preverifying. In general, IDE always preverifies the application after compilation.
program for preverifying applications, usually in the /lib folder in JDK.
JAR or ZIP file including classes necessary for the application execution. Some libraries are provided with the JDK, and almost all the mobile carriers and phone makers also provide their own specific class libraries usually in the /lib folder of IDE.
for mobile operators (Star / DoJa, V-appli, Willcom and EZ Appli), for mobile phone producers (Nokia, Motorola, Samsung) and universal MIDP - we use the term 'mobile profiles' to represent all of those types together.
the attribute name of the instructions in the Java class file added when preverifying.

Java and trademarks related to Java are trademark and registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States of America and other countries. Names of companies and products are trademarks and registered trademarks of each each respective organization.